Recent content by Skull Crusher

  1. Skull Crusher

    Nice avatar pic!

    Nice avatar pic!
  2. Skull Crusher

    Tren Ace Dreams Every Night!

    Test should always be the foundation of any cycle. I am sure the all the guys will agree on this one.
  3. Skull Crusher

    high test dose cycle or adding second compound.

    I have been curious about the same thing. Glad to have some insight
  4. Skull Crusher

    My lean bulk with 3J so far, 7 weeks in

    No problem bro. Your looking swole my brotha!
  5. Skull Crusher

    My lean bulk with 3J so far, 7 weeks in

    Looking good Brotha. 3 j has got a damn good track record. From everyones pics he is on top of his game!
  6. Skull Crusher

    1st cycle going too well!!!

    Fuck yea I dont blame ya brother.
  7. Skull Crusher

    1st cycle going too well!!!

    Sounds like your killing that shit bro.
  8. Skull Crusher

    Gear porn cause there hasn't been any in a while

    That shit is looking fukkn hott and wet!! hahaha nice gear my brotha
  9. Skull Crusher

    Dbol and Test E First Cycle.

    Get em mike!! hahah
  10. Skull Crusher

    Symptoms of testosterone withdrawal?

    We hope so for his sake bro. Get that shit back working my brotha.
  11. Skull Crusher

    pct for 30 week test 400 cycle

    Sounds like a long fukkin cycle bro. You feeling dangerous bro? haha
  12. Skull Crusher

    4 weeks gained 15 lbs !!!!!!

    Looking good my brother. keep up the hard work