Recent content by sn4ke1

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    Real British Dragon 10mg D-Bol Pics

    If what you say is true then I don't what I was taking my last Cycle.. this is 100% legit in my book and better than the Naposim Dbol I was on at 40mg daily before
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    Real British Dragon 10mg D-Bol Pics

    This is hitting me hard, 50mg daily just posting for information There's no markings on the pills at all, the verification "hologram" thing comes up on their website as legit, and there's little black specs in the pills
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    Starting post cycle therapy (pct) have some questions Nolva/Clomid also have Amiridex leftover

    Starting PCT have some questions Nolva/Clomid also have Amiridex leftover I did 500mg Test-E 10 weeks 40mg D-bol 4 weeks .5mg Adex EoD for the first 4 weeks then bailed out of taking it amazing gains crazy strength etc.. fully happy with my cycle Now PCT I am on day 16 since last pin day 14...
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    Drug Test?

    Military does not even test for steroids unless commander driven "caught in the act type scenario" I have done a drug test mid cycle and nothing came of it.. I was nervous but read enough to know that I was good to go. That was 40mg ED dbol and 500 test.e/wk
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    So heres my diet.. tear in to me

    Example today.. no exact quantities cause i suck ~2cups oats + Banana 5 hard boiled eggs just white + protein shake 1cup greek yogurt with handful of almonds in it 2x Chicken Breast with mixed veggies + pineapple 1cup greek yogut with almonds again full rib eye steak with rice and green beans...
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    Alpha Pharma reviews & Poll

    I have a friend currently on 500mg/week of their Test-E he is only week 3 he claims some effects but he is super in to it. mental/placebo effect is in hard + dbol water gains etc.. who knows I went ahead and got some Test-E from them.. the source is super trustworthy so i am confident