Recent content by spyder315

  1. spyder315

    Tren&test cycle

    Way too young to start IMO. You still have alot of natural test. But since most people can't be swayed. If this is your first cycle. ONLY do test. That way you can see how your body reacts. You can gain or shred of 12 weeks of Cyp or Enan depending on how you eat and train.
  2. spyder315

    My wife only rated me 7 out of 10 in the bedroom.

    porn... i learned alot from porn
  3. spyder315


    Anvar is very mild,but for women from what i understand it is a good pick for tone, strengthand quality gains. Primo is also good espesially for women becuse it can have a good effect even at smaller doses.
  4. spyder315

    Anyone been to MEPS on cycle?

    they dont test for that there, I know this for a absolute FACT. Did your recruiter do a piss test in the office? Those are the only substances that are tested for THC/COCAIN/LSD
  5. spyder315

    Full Body/Colon Cleanse Anyone???

    I did the duo-cleanse, i got it from Wally world. it work well. I craped alot and seemed to work well
  6. spyder315

    Theneedlebeast - FREE,FREE,FREE

    Ya know that is gonna come in handy too. Thanks ill be ordering
  7. spyder315

    What are the safest anabolic steroids????

    deff Primo, but then what are you wanting to acomplish, What your goals are may not be what the safest AAS will give you, which is the reason for many of the other ancilliaris do.. balance the negative effects on the body aas has on it.
  8. spyder315

    First Cycle

    dont do Dbol for a first cycle, I got alot of info from guys on this board when I planed mine. My first cycle was Test Enanthate or Test E for 10 weeks got some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) and hit the gym hard. You need to see how your body works...
  9. spyder315

    Uncle Z. Best prices

    hey guys just check him out on xxx, he seems pretty solid from what i can see
  10. spyder315


    no they do not carry this
  11. spyder315

    test only cycle

    werked on fonics hoked phor meh
  12. spyder315

    What is the best designer steroid???????

    some times the designer one are the only route some guy have, im i the same boat, i lost my " contact" Ive read a bit on the epi and it sounds ok id give it a shot
  13. spyder315


  14. spyder315

    Please reccomend me a good protien powder to use with water

    i second the syntha-6 very smooth and great taste
  15. spyder315

    My stash
