Recent content by Steroidman99

  1. S

    Extreme Hair Loss From Cycle Help Please

    I wonder, why you use such a garbage steroid like testosterone. The whole development of steroids since 40's has been aimed at eliminating side effects of unnaturally high testosterone doses. There exists no rational reason to take more than 100 mg/week (which compensates for the loss of...
  2. S

    Oral Anabolic Steroid cycles

    Oh, I forgot, thank you. I remember that on that site you posted a photo of your buttocks full of red spots from injections.
  3. S

    Oral Anabolic Steroid cycles

    It doesn't hurt at all. The only serious problem is that you can hit a vein - which can have fatal consequences. Several years ago, some guy in the internet talked about his experience. He injected his steroid dose into his buttock, didn't observe any blood in the syringe at all, but...
  4. S

    Anavar at the end of a TestE Deca cycle?

    Ana Anavar (var) is problably the mildest steroid, as for the suppressive effect on HPTA. 20-40 mg of Ana Anavar (var) can suppress endogenous testosterone production by ca. 45% after 12 weeks (on average). If you take such a small amount of Ana Anavar (var) , it won't interfere with the...
  5. S

    Anavar at the end of a TestE Deca cycle?

    No. A longer reply is not necessary. Instead of disparaging other people's experience, you should test it in the real world.
  6. S

    Oral Anabolic Steroid cycles

    Do you know, what was my aim? I suppose you are not interested. Since I used a non-aromatizing steroid with extremely low side effects, you can guess that my primary aim was strength, hardening of the body and the minimization of androgenic side effects.
  7. S

    Oral Anabolic Steroid cycles

    I choose usernames that resemble the name of the site, where I am registered. Elsewhere I am a "Skroidman" (on etc. Otherwise I couldn't remember it. Hopefully it is sufficient as an explanation. P.S.: The total number of my cycles is 7, including a short cycle with nandrolone in...
  8. S

    Anavar at the end of a TestE Deca cycle?

    Even 80 mg Anavar/day usually doesn't elevate your liver enzymes above the normal range. It is really a very safe steroid in this regard. Two years ago I used 60-65 mg/day for nearly 8 weeks. My initial levels of liver enzymes: S-ALT 0.47 ukat/l 0.05-0.85 (-*-)...
  9. S

    Anavar at the end of a TestE Deca cycle?

    Can you tell me, please, what is so "idiotic" on my advice? Will 10 mg of Anavar kill you? Such a dose is used by small children! (0.1 mg/kg body weight). Although this dose is very small, it should be entirely sufficient to compensate your endogenous testosterone (Well, I can't guarantee it...
  10. S

    Anavar Questions

    I really don't think that it would be a big problem. Ana Anavar (var) elevates mood and creates a very pleasant feeling of euphoria and self-confidence. These feelings may gradually diminish during the cycle, but I can't imagine that someone couldn't stand 6 weeks on Ana Anavar (var) .
  11. S

    Anavar Questions

    Anavar powder from China costs xxx no price posting xxxxxxfor 100 grams, i.e. 10-20 times less than in profiteers on the black market.
  12. S

    Oral Anabolic Steroid cycles

    I am sorry that I am so clueless even after 6 oral cycles. LOL I still can't find out, what's actually so bad on orals.
  13. S

    Anavar at the end of a TestE Deca cycle?

    Anavar is probably the best steroid for post cycle therapy (pct). It is now a base of all my PCTs. 10 mg/day is enough to compensate the suppressed testosterone, and if you simultaneously take some anti-estrogen, your testosterone should gradually recuperate. You should be able to keep all your...
  14. S

    Oral Anabolic Steroid cycles

    LOL Again: Why are oral cycles bad? Can someone argue logically and rationally? It just doesn't matter, what a steroid you use. It seems to me that you are simply unable to keep gains from oral-only cycles due to bad post cycle therapy (pct) that doesn't take into account the short half-time...
  15. S

    Oral Anabolic Steroid cycles

    No. It wasn't. I took the same Anavar powder, too. It will naturally cover your face with big red cysts, it will naturally make you bald, and of course, it will naturally enlarge your prostate, too. I don't make any difference between orals and injectable steroids, as for the anabolic...