Recent content by Strong Man

  1. Strong Man

    FIRST CYCLE Advice - Test Prop 8 Week: 31 yo, 245 lbs, 16% body fat

    Test e or c 12 to 14 weeks. Why prop for a first cycle? Its a lot of pinning..
  2. Strong Man

    Blast while on TRT question

    Yes fertility is compromised just by doing TRT so obviously taking other anabolic steroids is going to lower sperm count.
  3. Strong Man

    Exemestane crash really sucks

    Just raise your testosterone like stated above.
  4. Strong Man

    Almost 6 months in TRT results

    Great gob man! What will your levels prior to replacement therapy?
  5. Strong Man

    Should I try to lower my test before it's tested?

    Post up your blood work when you get it in. Getting test from the doc is going to put you in the normal range and if your test is not low your not going to benefit from TRT. If your looking to run a cycle you would need way more test then the doc is going to write the script for. How is your...
  6. Strong Man

    Arimidex for reversing gyno/ reversing gyno then cycling..

    Yes I couldn't agree more! I've crashed my E2 and I couldn't get out of bed and my whole body was achy.
  7. Strong Man

    Permanent hcg/test/anti-e instead of cycling

    shut down is shown regardless of dose. Once you start pinning test your body stops producing its natural production pretty quick. 350mg cycle is not the worst and you would make gains but 500mg would give you more. Also your levels would be way higher than 1500 ng/dl (way out of the normal...
  8. Strong Man

    Week 3 TRT, Doc started me on 5mcg Liothyronine

    At 300 mg you are on a cycle not normal replacement therapy. Although your doctor maybe starting you out at a higher dose and will lower you down once you are relieved of your symptoms.
  9. Strong Man

    Should I try to lower my test before it's tested?

    Are you experiencing any low t symptoms? Age, weight stats etc.?
  10. Strong Man

    Injected once and quit. Now having mood swings

    Yet sounds like it it could be in your head bro. Especially since you started a cycle and then second-guess yourself on your decision it sounds like you possibly overthinking all of this?
  11. Strong Man

    What protocol would you recommend with these symptoms? (labs inside)

    No I didn't bother with trying to increase the vitamin D just wanted results so straight to TRT. Yes my general Doc writes me a script for 200mg every week but most general/family doc are not on board with HRT. Your endo should be able to take are of you.
  12. Strong Man

    What protocol would you recommend with these symptoms? (labs inside)

    Your blood work is similar to mine prior starting TRT about 6 months ago. If you're experiencing the symptoms you would probably benefit from TRT. Also yes your bloodwork confirms your testosterone is low, It could be worse but it's low for your age.
  13. Strong Man

    Injected once and quit. Now having mood swings

    What time of day did you have your blood work done and what time did you wake up that day?
  14. Strong Man

    Permanent hcg/test/anti-e instead of cycling

    The only way to answer this question is to get blood work. If your natural production is still in the optimal range there is no reason to lose that.