Recent content by SUPERXRNUTS

  1. S

    Pre Testosterone/Tren cycle pics

    If you got got Deca dick before shouldn't you consider Dostinex during your Tren cycle? I'm planning a Test/Deca run in about a month or so. The Deca dick thing has me a little worried so I chalked up the bucks and got enough Dostinex for the cycle? From what I read Dostinex or Bromo is the only...
  2. S

    what dose for aromasin/cabaser??

    What I've read is that most people do well with 0.25-0.5mg of Dostinex twice weekly. I would like more feedback on this as well since I am planning a Drol/Test/Deca cycle in a couple of months. Never used Aromasin just Adex which worked well for me.
  3. S

    I'VE READ IT ALL - but still questions about VAR

    Half life refers to the amount of time needed for 1/2 of the drug to be metabolised. i.e. if you took 10mg of a drug and its half-life was 8 hrs, there would only be 5mg of the drug available in the bloodstream 8 hr after taking it. In another 8 hrs there would be 2.5mg circulating. So for drugs...