Recent content by SweetLeaf

  1. S

    Can Ology Sell Steroids Legally?

    If AAS was banned due to adverse health effects, why is tobacco(nicotine) and alcohol, which are among the most dangerous drugs when abused and proven to be deadly over and over again not banned also?
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    Is Androgel a 17aa?

    What is the half life?
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    how much multi vitamin whilst on gear?

    Yes, you need to take one. Make SURE it has iron in it.
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    Alcohol, dbol, liver toxic comparison
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    Alcohol, dbol, liver toxic comparison

    If you check any liver health site they will say that you can drink up to 2 drinks a day safely.
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    Orbit anavar, anyone using?

    Just wondering what kind of feedback it is getting.
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    SAFEIST Steriod

    If you take out the shut down factor, Deca is the safest, even better NPP.
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    Are the steroids killing us ?

    These are the two side effects that scare me the most. 1. Heart enlargement 2. Prostate problems.
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    10 ten of clomid and balls are still small

    Get some Post cycle from PF. Couple days later your nuts will puff up nicely. Works for me.
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    i am really confused?

    That seems like alot of training every week. If you are only doing a few sets per muscle group then it's ok. You can tell if you are overtraining if the weights always feel "heavy" and your muscles feel tired out when you start training them. There are lots of other signs of course.
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    gyno cut that shit out a here

    Do you remember the product that gave you gyno or did it just keep adding up?
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    natural bodybuilders

    I'm all natural