Recent content by Syrix1986

  1. S

    First Cycle and PCT

    Hello guys , i am not sure if i am writing this on a correct thread , so i'll just try . I started my first cycle ever , with testosteron enethate and dbol(naposim) I now weight 117 kg and i am 1.90 tall . I am in my 6th week of testosterone and i was on my 3rd week of naposim then i quit...
  2. S

    Ankle Lower leg swelling/edema

    I've got the same problem as you . And it last's a i don't know 10 days now . Used to take nolva 10mg a day for 4 days , and it was better for the time being . Now again the swelling is visible . Took also furosemid but no help don;t piss a lot . And yeah i am on testosterone enethate 6 weeks...