Recent content by SyrusTheVirus

  1. S

    Anavar,Winny & Clen works imo...

    I've been running clen anavar and Winstrol (winny) for the past 3 weeks and I've gotta say I've seen some real results! running 40 mg anavar ed 40 mg Winstrol (winny) ed and 60 mg clen ed and the cutting is really going well! No problems with regards to my liver/kidneys so...
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    3J...Newbie is begging for your help!

    Ok cool,I would just like to know if this diet is more or less ok??
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    Newbie asking for much needed help!

    Also I was thinking maybe stack Anavar with Clen and Winstrol?? Good or bad idea?
  4. S

    3J...Newbie is begging for your help!

    Also I was thinking maybe stack Anavar with Clen and Winstrol?? Good or bad idea?
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    Newbie asking for much needed help!

    Cool thanks!I posted it up in the diet forum!
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    3J...Newbie is begging for your help!

    Hi 3J, I have heard you are a genuis with diets! I hope you can help... lets start off with my stats so you can get a mental pic of what I'm talking about. Male Age - 24 Height - 6'1" Weight - 196.21lb BMI - 25.86 Body Fat % - 17,84% BMR - 2050.98 Ok so I am new to the site and to gear and I...
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    Newbie asking for much needed help!

    Totally agreed! Do you think what I am eating more or less now is ok?? Any suggestions?aorry about all the questions I just really want to get this right :) Will any gear help at all?
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    Newbie asking for much needed help!

    Hi guys, lets start off with my stats so everyone can get a mental pic of what I'm talking about. Male Age - 24 Height - 6'1" Weight - 196.21lb BMI - 25.86 Body Fat % - 17,84% BMR - 2050.98 Ok so I am new to the site and to gear and I was hoping you guys could help me out! I have read a...