Recent content by tableshaveturned

  1. T

    People Who Have Used Gear Under the Age of 24, Share the Experience

    Im 22 now and I was about to turn 21 when when I did it. test e 12 weeks hcg, arimidex, and dutasteride throughout the cycle, post cycle therapy (pct) 40/40/20/20 nova/clomid my recovery was great, I didnt have the crash everyone talked about. I even lifted more while on post cycle therapy...
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    Does clen lose its potency after 5 months?

    I got clen 5 months ago from great white and used it for one day and didn't use it till last week. I'm on my 8th day and I feel nothing from it, no side effects and I find it weird because when I try full doses of EC stack my heart rate shoots thru the roof which causes me to stop using it. my...
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    is it time to go to hospital

    lol wtf broken bone? that would be the last thing i would have thought happened...
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    Hair loss from test e only cycle even with dutasteride

    that sucks, i really wanted to run one more cycle
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    Hair loss from test e only cycle even with dutasteride

    My 12 week cycle consisted of: test e 500mg per week aromasin 12.5mg ED hcg 500 per week dutasteride .5mg ED even with 15%minoxidil every other day its the 2nd day of my PCT and i noticed that i might be prone to mpb since my hairline was pushed back about 1/4cm very unnoticeable but still...
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    Injections or Pills?

    pretty sure they dont make test e pills
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    I think i have an

    Ok so today i noticed it doesnt hurt as much when I move my arm around so i guess thats a good sign but the lump is still there. And the lump isnt actually where i injected in the delt its 1 inch below it. When do i start to get worried?
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    I think i have an

    My first week I pinned my right thigh monday and left thigh thursday, and second week it was left delt monday and right delt thursday, and after each in injection i would feel some pain but it would just last for 2 to 3 days. Same goes when I injected in those areas for the second time around...
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    I think i have an

    I cant really get a clear pic of it since its not noticeable, its just a tiny lump that nobody would think anything of.
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    I think i have an

    Its my 5th week on test e and last thursday i pinned in my right delt(second time pinning that area), and today I noticed that there is pain in my right delt and it looks like someone punched me in the arm. It doesnt look bruised or red but it does feel warm and I don't have a this an...
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    looks legit to me
  12. T

    You asked for it...RUI Thanksgiving Sale!!!

    perfect timing for me :)
  13. T

    anavar cylce - first time

    not a good idea to do an oral only cycle...add test in there
  14. T

    Hair loss a week into my test only cycle and been taking Duta for a week now, i have 1mg fina on hand and considering in switching over...could i take fina tomorrow and ditch the duta?