Recent content by TAP508

  1. T

    MK + GW cycle help

    Bump. Anyone? Just looking for some advice but seems to me that these two would go great together.
  2. T

    MK + GW cycle help

    Hey everyone, So I have run MK solo for 8 weeks at 25mg a day with great results. This time I am looking to add in gw-501516. Yes I have searched for my answer but have never actually seen anything from people trying this. My cycle looks like this... 1-8 mk 25 mg a day 1-8 gw 10 mg a...
  3. T

    My Ostarine (MK-2866) Cycle

    Just wanted to update this thread and if anyone is interested and I can update this as I go along. I decided to wait until after the holidays to start my cycle to avoid any interruptions! Took 25mg of Osta this morning (around 9am) and 3 APE test capsules. Don't feel anything yet but its...
  4. T

    My Ostarine (MK-2866) Cycle

    Quick question - want to make sure I got this right! To run 25mg/day with a bottle thats 30ml 50mg/ml - that will give me 60 servings at 25mg - half a ml is 25mg? So one bottle will give me a 8 week run. That right?
  5. T

    My Ostarine (MK-2866) Cycle

    Sorry everyone I have been crazy with work and have not had much time to do anything!! I plan on ordering my osta later today. I am planning on running osta for 8 weeks with APE testbooster alongside it (I already have 3 bottles so I want to use it up). I am going to follow it up with 3 weeks...
  6. T

    My Ostarine (MK-2866) Cycle

    Hey everyone, So I am new to this forum tho I have been stalking for awhile now. I am looking for advice and will also post a log if people are interested afterwards. A little about me first - I am 27 years old and have been training for about two years now, before that I was in and out of...