Recent content by team Canada

  1. T

    DHEA - good read

    dhea good read I thought 7 keto was the metabolizer of dhea not another type of dhea. Im 38,and I like what dhea has done for my overall workout-strength consistency. Im taking 250 mg spaced out evenly over the day, I seem to be able to up my workout intensity, lift heavy as i did at 25 and my...
  2. T

    DHEA - good read

    dhea good read thanks for the connect, good general read, im going to research a little further to see if a lot of strength correlated studies have been done, as well as the effects of 7 keto as a metabolite
  3. T

    DHEA any damage to liver???

    7 keto can anybody comment on the 7 keto, whether its worth spending the extra 10 bucks on 60 tabs, apparently its supposed to help metabolize the supplemented dhea so that its not converted to estrogen.
  4. T

    What would you eat this Late?

    those large cans of turkey or chicken from costco go down pretty good, large protien contents, tasteless if you want rinse it down with h20. Ive always eaten late because of late training time, not shreaded like spongebob, but can get their if nessacary.
  5. T


    can anybody comment on 4Androstenediol,300mg capsules, maker is scifit, or17MD(17amethyl-17beta-hydroxestra-4,9 is this stuff as toxic as the m1ts, everybody is makingout like the M1ts are truly evil, ive tried mits severaltimes,10 mgs for 3 weeks then20mgs for 3 weeks,never has my strength or...
  6. T

    What Can I Do to Stimulate My Appetite?

    somebody should just invent a patch or an easy drip system like they have in hospitals, then you could take a protein intravenous at night and add another 200 grams of protien to your diet, I think im going to invent this and sell it to all of you hardcore guys that somehow eat 5 meals a day...
  7. T

    Maybe it's not what they eat, but what they dont drink

    doesnt a lot of the bottled water, just come from a tap somewhere?
  8. T


    reezay, how long do you think the shelf life of these capsules are, I still have yet to use some that I purchased right before they were taken off the market. You say very toxic, I havent noti ced anything harsh yet, maybe my shit isno good anymore. My shit is made by Scifit and Surreal...
  9. T

    can anyone recommend an anti cortisol supp

    thanks guys, just need to clarify sldl, is this single leg dumbell lung? Also where do I find DC leg training? I did just incorporate the front squat on the smith, should i alternate front then reg squats? Ive also been including my deadlift on leg day, which kicks my ass cause im doing them...
  10. T

    can anyone recommend an anti cortisol supp

    Has anybody out their given the thumbs up to any products claiming to reduce cortisol levels. Seems like now were only supposed to work out for 45 minutes until the effects of cortisol have an adverse effect making any additional training over training. I cant imagine that 45 minutes is enough...
  11. T

    The Best Fat Stripping Supplement?

    fat burners I lost 2 inches off my waste, heres how: I dont do cardio, I move quickly between my sets, I quit eating at JIBox, instead i eat a protien bar or some jerky on the road, I finally got off my ass enough to get 2 the gym more than 1 or 2 times per week, Im probabley averaging 3 times...
  12. T


    anybody else on M1T,17 AD and androstenodiol Drako, I purchased alot of these few years ago when they were about to be taken off the market, I never found my gains to be outragous but I kept the amount to manufacterers recommendations and never stacked more than 2 at once, just recentley I...