Recent content by Test_Boner

  1. T

    This dude is HEEEUUUGGGEEE

    I didnt think there is another idiot like greg valentino is the world but this pic proved me wrong :dumbass:
  2. T

    omnadren shoulder shots

    Shooting Omnadren in my shoulders right now, no problems at all...using 25g x 1"
  3. T

    Wholesale Hair

    I ordered from them about 3 weeks couple bottles of spiro and minoxidil....received it in about 3-4 days
  4. T

    looking for new place to buy Topical Spiro

    Consultation is $20, send them an email and they will email you back with all the info that you need.....i am going through the constulation process right now.......and the consultation fee will be added to your first order, if an order is placed, if you dont place an order you wont be charged.
  5. T

    looking for new place to buy Topical Spiro

    I think they are back in business now but dont know what the TA time is, but I would also like to know a new place for spiro and minoxidil/azelaic acid........anyone????
  6. T

    Some last min cycle advice please

    Thanks, i will save the prop for the end of the about the anadrol, can i pyramid it or should i take the same amount for 4 weeks
  7. T

    Some last min cycle advice please

    The cycle is 12 weeks long, gonna finish the cycle with fina, prop and winny.
  8. T

    Some last min cycle advice please

    Thanks bro, you got a great board going on here. Should i take one aromasin every 4 days or cut it in half and take it EOD???
  9. T

    Some last min cycle advice please

    Hey guys, about to start my 5th cycle and need some last minute advice.....i am 5'9, 205, and the last cycle was dbol up to 40 mg/day, and test enan and sust, together 600mg/week.....this is what my next cycle gonna look like, any advice would be greatly appreciated week 1-8 sust 250 1CC...