Recent content by themidge

  1. T

    starting DNP

    Certainly odd you haven't noticed anything at 300. If you are doubting it or begin to do so open a capsule and take a tiny, tiny bit between your forefinger and thumb and crumble it. You should have a bit of yellow staining. Be warned though it won't go away for a bit.
  2. T

    Importent Need Help!!

    Theres a forum for this. Assuming it isn't source related. Edit: Well, it's actually probably not for this, but you can talk to the staff. Edit2: Nevermind, I just reread the OP
  3. T

    Placing an order, need first time ordering advice.

    If you truly feel youngsters shouldn't be using AAS you shouldn't supply advice to anyone with 90 or 91 tacked onto the end of their names. I see this all the time here and elsewhere. Sorry I just had to rant.
  4. T

    starting DNP

    Keep the dose low, keep titrating them slow. Run 150mgs through on this cycle before bumping up, if you do not experience any sides or very little other than heat you can stay on. A few things to keep in mind, water.. not only does it hydrate but it is a good mental crutch when things get hot...
  5. T

    am i to small for first cycle???

    Dadawg is correct. Find some junk food to add into the diet. There's a reason fat people are fat, they eat shit to excess, and it's loaded with calories. Try pounding down some extra beef, or even some ice cream to get in extra calories. Everyone may bawk at the suggestion but it is a useful...
  6. T

    Test Cyp and dbol hakes?

    Per week, definitely shadier looking if you check google.
  7. T

    legal steriods is this site for real

    Well considering ingredients aren't listed the active mg per capsule is too high to be prohormones or even a blend there of so you're buying snakeoil. Generally stay the hell away from sites like that. Edit: Of course if don't ask to verify places offering to sell real AAS either.
  8. T

    Just got some some of my Geneza order inn, what do yall think?

    As funny as it is I don't think you should be joking about shit like that openly.
  9. T

    so how tall are you??

    Fuck you, 5'5.
  10. T

    British Dragon (direct from site)

    This was on the BD site for some time IIRC, I don't understand why anyone would even bother thinking there was any stock left. I also don't understand why anyone would think they're "coming back" when it's obvious that'd be impossible. And this wasn't directed at anyone personally, just...
  11. T

    Catabolic Pharmaceuticals Company...

    You are a funny individual.
  12. T


    I ran it about a year and a half ago. I actually ran a different brand Havoc, but same compound and dose. It worked as far as strength and muscle gains. It took about two weeks to notice I was on though. I put on 9 pounds over five weeks, strength better than I expected for an OTC. It shut...
  13. T

    Anavar (Oxandrolone)

    Well in that case I was going to state 8 weeks seems like a long time for an oral only cycle. Get blood work to check your lipid profile.
  14. T

    hole in stopper

    Should be fine, manufacturing or handling error but I doubt it is through. Nothing wrong with double checking and refiltering.
  15. T


    g2g. Should smell like sulfur.