Recent content by thunderin

  1. T

    Anyone else in Korea besides me?

    I've been on this board for a number of years, and it would be nice to hear from others living in Korea. Please PM me
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    Post cycle therapy (pct) 2009

    I've got both nolva and clomid so I will run both. Clomid Day 1 250mg Day 2 - 25 150mg I really need a very agressive PCT. My dosages were very high.
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    Post cycle therapy (pct) 2009

    Thanks for all the input, and please continue.
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    Post cycle therapy (pct) 2009

    Pct 2009 After being on a very long (3 years+) and very heavy cycle (I dare not say how heavy), my wife decides she wants another baby. Please critique attached cycle and suggestions please. Thanks PCT 2009
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    2007-08 HGH Cycle 10iu's

    Thanks. It is my personal opinion that GH and insulin cycles are the way to go for the experienced and drug tested amateur or professional athlete. Both substances are legal with a prescription and are undetectable by most screening methods. An added bonus is that GH will keep you young and...
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    2007-08 HGH Cycle 10iu's

    The transformation: The first pics are a little more than a year ago. I am now steroid free and over 15kg (33lbs) heavier.
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    2007-08 HGH Cycle 10iu's

    Latest Pics-Bulking on GH My GH and slin cycle has turned into a summer bulker. I am a full 13kg (29lbs) heavier than I was 5 weeks ago, and it's been a week and a half since I dropped the T4. Remember, I have been off Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) for over a month and a half and am well...
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    2007-08 HGH Cycle 10iu's

    4-16 Bodyweight 101kg (223lbs) Now that I have stopped the T4, my weight is going up quicker. The slin is helping me to recover more quickly as well. 7am 10iu's Humulin R and 2.5iu's GH 10am 2.5iu's GH 12:45pm 2.5iu's GH 4pm 2.5iu's GH I am eating all I want which is a lot. Meal 1: 7:15am...
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    2007-08 HGH Cycle 10iu's

    3-18 Another interesting note on taking a diuretic while using GH is that I have much less swelling in my hands and stiffness in my joints now than before I started taking spironolactone in combination with hydrchlorothiazide. Could it be that edema in your hands caused by GH use is one of the...
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    2007-08 HGH Cycle 10iu's

    3-12-07 I actually ate a few pieces of cheese with bread on a steak sandwich I made. I got about halfway through and started feeling guilty I know it's BS, but I have a conscience. The only carbs I usually get are from fresh potatoes, bread, noodles. Steamed rice maybe once a...
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    2007-08 HGH Cycle 10iu's

    I know I still have a long way to go, but that's the great thing about bodybuilding. It's my never-ending endeavor to improve that guy in the mirror. I most humbly submit my photos.
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    2007-08 HGH Cycle 10iu's

    March 11, 2007 This is to document the results from Chinese generic blue cap HGH over the course of a year. Stats: Ht: 175cm (5'9") Wt: 92kg (202lbs) Age: 40 Bodybuilding for 26 years AAS Cycles: too many and too many years to remember Goal: #1 Permanently replace Anabolic Androgenic...
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    what causes vagina looseness and can it become relatively tight again?

    If all else fails there is designer, laser vaginoplasty. It will definitely make it smaller.
  14. T

    Testosterone in Korea

    Anyone have any info? I am here short term. Send me a PM please. Thanks
  15. T

    Anyone in Korea?

    Has anyone on this board had any luck getting testosterone from a hospital, doctor or pharmacy in Korea? Thanks