Recent content by timjones54

  1. T

    Increasing Appetite To Eat More

    To be honest I plucked it out of the air and thought it seems right. How many cals do you reckon I need?
  2. T

    Milk Giving Me The Shits!

    In honesty it was reading your threads that actually made me aware of macros in the first place. I chose milk for the reason its cheap, lot of calories and I get the casein protein. What would you recommend as an alternative?
  3. T

    750mg Test E Cycle With Other Compounds

    Lol some interesting points raised here for sure. Well guys to be honest right now I am actually taking in 3800/4000k per day since I am trying to get 1k out of milk and it isnt really working out for me. I keep getting the shits. Ok so I reckon a few valid points have been raised here. For that...
  4. T

    Increasing Appetite To Eat More

    Yup its a clean bulk guys. Trust me its hard, Im not someone who over exaggerates
  5. T

    Milk Giving Me The Shits!

    Im eating a lot of meat guys. I am eating chicken in two of my meals and then tuna for another meal, eggs, protein shake for the other two. My last one I had a choice of cottage cheese or milk but milk is half the price of 1 tub of cottage cheese and I also get the extra calories. Im going to go...
  6. T

    750mg Test E Cycle With Other Compounds

    Lol I get what your trying to say now. Ok I will try to make that a years goal. So I will try to pack on 40lbs within 12 months from this cycle. No, not a powerlifter but I like lifting heavy and really want to push myself. Thats why Winny or you reckon no? I think I am going to drop my...
  7. T

    750mg Test E Cycle With Other Compounds

    How come you think I wont gain 30lbs? 10lbs seems really measly compared to what I am eating and taking?
  8. T

    Milk Giving Me The Shits!

    Lol is that for real? I don't want to get the lactose free milk. I am bulking on a bit of a budget and getting the lactose free milk its quite expensive
  9. T

    Milk Giving Me The Shits!

    Yup I guessed that was the case, will lactase tablets help?
  10. T

    Increasing Appetite To Eat More

    So eating 5k cals a day is a lot of food and takes a long long time. Are there any tips anyone can give to increase my appetite. I just need to stay hungry. I was thinking of chewing gum. It will keep saliva etc and make my stomach think food is coming right? So between meals chew gum? Any other...
  11. T

    First sterioid cycle advise

    Second this, my first cycle was 500mg Test E per week alone. 12 weeks. Awesome results with minimal side effects
  12. T

    750mg Test E Cycle With Other Compounds

    Hey mate, I did say in my post Im not looking to cut, just get my gut flat. I've got some good strength gains from Winstrol in the past, will see what some of the other members have to say
  13. T

    Milk Giving Me The Shits!

    Hey guys, So taking in 5k cals a day, pretty difficult and I am trying to use milk to get me 1k cals (2 litres). Problem is it is giving me the runs, I am talking major shits. I have bought some lactase 9000 alu per tab. Is this what I need? I want to continue taking the milk as its easy...
  14. T

    750mg Test E Cycle With Other Compounds

    Hey, This is my third cycle. Last one was 2 years ago. Currently I am 197lbs, 5' 8, not sure bodyfat but a bit of a gut as I have an office job. Ive started hitting the gym again. Not really trying to lean up, mainly just get my stomach flat and get bigger and bulkier meaning broader shoulders...