Recent content by tony36

  1. tony36

    the nose of michelle Obama ,real or fake??????

    that wasnt my post retart i posted a net shop on here and they hacked it ass hole
  2. tony36


    any one has any feed back on sciroxx trend e 200 ?????
  3. tony36

    protein shakes

    hey what is the best protein shake that wont put fat on,
  4. tony36

    the nose of michelle Obama ,real or fake??????

    sorry didnt know
  5. tony36

    need info

    dam,thats sucks ass,but oh well. thanks maximus you been a lot of help over the week ive been on here its appreciate,and jadedkiss,thanks guys
  6. tony36

    need info

    hey,guy's can any one let me know,how will i know if customs got my order,i have a order that was supose to be here on the 17th this mounth and it wasnt so i tract it and it has been in customs since the 15th but i have not recived no letters or nothing yet, what wood you think about it? any...
  7. tony36


    dam,thats said my bud gets geneza in a bout 3.5 weeks after ordering but if it isn't good quality no thanks,any one have any suggesting on a pier gear?
  8. tony36

    hey bro thanks for the input and i do thank you for the invite on need advice so if i got any...

    hey bro thanks for the input and i do thank you for the invite on need advice so if i got any more questions ill ake you,and thanks agine.
  9. tony36


    He guys any one use geneza test c 250
  10. tony36

    need help

    hey, thank's guy's i do thank all of your input, and it was all worth it, what i gave, so many gave more, and i would do it all agine for my brothers,and sisters and hope to here from you all agine,and my weight is 218l.b. i was up to 260 but i started me cardieo and push my self i say my body...
  11. tony36

    need help

    hi i need help on a stack, ill start by my stats,im 36y,6f.t.1in large fram,ive worked out for 3.5years,im thinking of doing 10weeks test c 250,trend e 200 for 5 weeks at 400mil a week, and 12 weeks of Winstrol (winny) 50 one a day,this will be my 3rd cycel,first two was just test 250,at 500 a...