Recent content by tooth

  1. T

    My progress so far (pics)

    I totally agree with what you are getting at here. Trt has definitely helped my strength, but the more significant difference is definitely libido, and energy for me. Pre trt my deadlift was 450, bench was 305, and my squat was 420. That's at powerlifting competitions, not bro gym lifts. A...
  2. T

    Pointers on running Deca while on TRT

    Why not just up your test dose? I'm a newbie as well, so I'm asking out of curiosity. Is stacking that much more effective? Doesn't sound like you would have the time for that either given 16 wks, but I'm more curious as to why everyone wants to add another compound.
  3. T

    Found out we are having our 6th

    Congrats. You've got twice as many as me.
  4. T

    On TRT for 5 months too late?

    Your initial blood work should tell you if you are primary or secondary. It really does not matter in the long run. For me I'm pretty anal and wanted to be sure there was no underlying problem. I went to two endocrinologists and my primary, had a bone scan, pituitary mri, etc. Had allot of...
  5. T

    Hair receding fast on TRT!

    What's your protocol now?
  6. T

    Feel like giving up on this TRT, Doctors are unknowledgable

    I think most of us have gone through this. I was shocked to see how little my pcp, and two endocrinologists understood trt. I'm still using a trt clinic, and though I scoffed at it in the beginning they are the only ones that have truly understood my condition.
  7. T

    Starting TRT - My story about starting TRT

    Took me longer than two weeks to start feeling better, but once/ week sex would have been like an orgy to me before trt. Now it's at least five times / week, but I was sub 200 and probably should have sought out help years ago. Same deal with the gym though. I was making progress prior, but...
  8. T

    Perception of TRT from others…nothing more than a therapeutic rant

    Thanks for the vent. Lets me know I'm not alone. A huge part of the problem for us is the perception of "steroids" in our society. When people would say to Arnold that they don't want to get as big as him he would say "don't worry, you won't".
  9. T

    Wrist surgery - BPC-157, TB-500

    Thanks for sharing this. I've never considered peptides, but pulled one of the muscles in my upper pec benching last week. I think it's time to give peptides a try.
  10. T

    Lab Results - Terrifying!

    I certainly don't regret having the proper tests done to be sure I'm not walking around with a bigger problem. One of my uncles has empty cella. It's not exactly uncommon, and I sleep much better knowing they came up with nothing after seeing I only have rocks in my head.
  11. T

    Lab Results - Terrifying!

    I jumped right in when I found out I was hypogonadal, but I then went on to have an endocrinologist check me out. Had a head mri, bone scan, etc. Everything came up roses. I'm just glad I'm in a point in my life where the $$ is not a big deal. If it where I'd be scrambling to find a good...
  12. T

    Just wanted to share with you guys

    Great to hear. Sounds similar to my story, but I've got a little over a decade on you. Probably should have been tested sooner, but like you I tested three times before starting. For some reason I just didn't believe it, or didn't want to.
  13. T

    IMT new network much better!!!

    The facetime doc thing is interesting. Certainly something to consider. The off the rails threads lately are a little odd though. Nice to see a positive review.
  14. T

    The problems with pinning the glutes?

    I've only done quads and glutes. I have less pip with glutes, but I can't see wtf I'm doing. For some reason my right quad is the worst for pip.
  15. T

    Androgel and Body Hair. Holy shit guys.,d.cWw I'll just leave this right here. :cool: