Recent content by TransFormation

  1. T

    I'm FAT...HELP!

    Thanks for all the help everyone! The diet is going well, and I didn't lose as much strength as I thought I would at the gym. Just got to keep eating, resting up, and training. Danstile, thanks for the heads up, I will check out that thread. Suareezay, you mention to eat fruit, but I figured...
  2. T

    I'm FAT...HELP!

    Thanks for the replies everybody! JayC, I actually bought sirlion patties the other day at the meat market, and yesterday I ate steak kabab, marinated in red wine, and it was absolutely delicious. The butcher by me has all delicious recipes, you could buy chicken meatloaf, chicken or turkey...
  3. T

    I'm FAT...HELP!

    I drink 1.5-2 gallons of water a day, and do cardio 3x a week after weight-training. Cardio consists of running 3-5 miles, between an 8:45-9 min mile pace. May starting doing interval sprints as well.
  4. T

    I'm FAT...HELP!

    hello all, I recently got back into weight training, haven't trained hard in 2.5 years, and I'm motivated to get back into it. first thing is first, I need to get my diet in check in order to make gains. I'm 26 years old, 6'3, 217 lbs (not sure of bf% haven't had the chance to check, but I'm...
  5. T

    Flax Seed Oil... with lignans???

    Good luck flax oil, it taste like garbage, I was using olive oil until recently but switched to flax and I'm gagging on the stuff....I heard studies about flax containing estrogen but I havent found anymore material...I'm interested to know this also.
  6. T

    Flax Oil Question

    Right now I'm currently using flax oil as my EFA, would it be okay to substitute that with Olive Oil? Would it make much of a difference? I just can't swallow down flax no matter how much I try, I'm practically throwing up.
  7. T

    anyone use pastorized egg whites? ie lana's eggwhites?

    Let me get this straight...You could drink the liquid egg whites and not worry about getting sick (semenella)? You wouldn't need cook them?