Recent content by --Trojan--

  1. --Trojan--

    steroids in turkey

    mate if you bring back 1000 vials and say its for personal use you better hope you look like ronnie coleman or else you could find yourself in the nuthouse
  2. --Trojan--

    Dubai Availability

    yeah i heard about the traffic, we are picked up and taken to the terminal anyway so at least we dont need to find it!! lots of russian sluts..? wey hey..!!! cheers guys
  3. --Trojan--

    Dubai Availability

    dammit!! all the places in the world and i get sent to dubai
  4. --Trojan--

    Dubai Availability

    surely someone can help me out here??
  5. --Trojan--

    Dubai Availability

    Hey guys im moving over to Dubai with work Has anyone from the board been there or know what the availability for anabolics there is ? Meaning can you go into a pharmacy and fill out your own order or will i have to hunt down a source? I can bring stuff into Dubai if need be from a domestic...
  6. --Trojan--

    Does synthetic urine work?

    nothing beats real piss LMFAO!!!!
  7. --Trojan--

    Missent package

    Should move to the UK then, Prison is so easy here, and you would be seriously surprised at how easy it is to access anabolics inside, Everybodys on the take.....
  8. --Trojan--

    Were you scared doing your first injection?

    yeah bro i was REALLY nervous, but then thought fuck this, lets do it, and went for it, never looked back, go for it bro, you'll love it, peace :D
  9. --Trojan--

    Missent package

    No idea buddy not in USA myself, hope it all works out well for ya tho, ur a good bro
  10. --Trojan--

    My sincerest apologies......

    quite scary if these dudes are handing out advice to everyone else then
  11. --Trojan--

    deca question.

    he's worried about the gyno from deca, progestins may aggravate estrogenic gyno, but hes already ran a course of test before and had no problems, so logic would have you think hes talking about gyno from progesterone, and if nolva upregulates they receptors, why would you want to use it?
  12. --Trojan--

    deca question.

    no dont use nolva when deca is in the cycle, vit b6 and if you need it, cabergoline. remember its progesterone related gyno with deca NOT estrogenic
  13. --Trojan--

    Test Flu

    i get it quite bad from test e myself, coughing bad and the general shitty flu feeling, i get stuff from the chemist otc
  14. --Trojan--

    Gear to Aus?

    yeah if your going to send anything make sure its a stealth package mate, anything will only up the odds of it getting snagged even with a stealth package, it might still get seized, never know