Recent content by truk9889

  1. T

    First cycle specific questions

    last pin tomorrow which makes 12 weeks. before Now 6'1 6'1 183 199 12%bf still around the same havent measured. cycle went great pinned my quads every time with no issues i hit a nerve a couple of times but it wasnt too bad. i could tell a huge difference in about week 7. put on...
  2. T

    Bloodwork result deciphering

    thanks i was looking all over for something like that but kept getting threads that look like what i just posted
  3. T

    Bloodwork result deciphering

    Just got my lab work back what exactly am I looking for in this? This is my pre cycle test. my cycle consists of 12 weeks of 400 mg per week of test c only. it is my first cycle. im 24 6'1 185lbs 13%bf cycle goal is 15-20lbs staying at 13%. thanks
  4. T

    First cycle specific questions

    just got my blood taken. i'll post the results when i get them
  5. T

    First cycle specific questions

    last question hopefully , my first blood test is scheduled tomorrow morning at 10am. i got my four wisdom teeth removed yesterday. should i wait until that is fully healed before getting my blood work done?
  6. T

    First cycle specific questions

    do i want 1" or 1.5" for test in the glutes?
  7. T

    First cycle specific questions

    I agree. Why do you use an 18g to draw then a 25g to inject? Could you just draw and inject with the 25g?
  8. T

    First cycle specific questions

    new pin every time even to draw?
  9. T

    First cycle specific questions

    i was planning on using an 18g pin to draw 25x1.5" pin with a 3cc syringe to inject the test. do i need a new pin to draw every time or just to inject? would this also work for my clomid/nolva?
  10. T

    First cycle specific questions

    I only have one vial. so after my 12 week test cycle, run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for 10 days, wait 5 days then start my pct?
  11. T

    First cycle specific questions

    should i ditch the hcg?
  12. T

    First cycle specific questions

    Starting my first cycle soon had a few questions Height 6'1 Weight 183 bf 12% age 24 cycle goal 15-20lbs maintain around 12% bf Doing a 12 week cycle of test c 400mg/week for post cycle therapy (pct) i have Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) nolvadex and clomid. For the test, should I pin 200mg...
  13. T

    First Cycle suggestions

    I'm 24
  14. T

    First Cycle suggestions

    my nolva should be here in about two weeks i was planning on starting my cycle this friday. should i wait to get my nolva or will a week without it be alright?
  15. T

    First Cycle suggestions

    do i shoot 200mgs twice a week or is 400 once a week fine?