Recent content by TryinToGetStrong

  1. TryinToGetStrong

    Does anyone here pin sub-Q rather than IM? Does it make a difference?

    As I said in a post about 10 threads down. Everyone is different and different methods are still popping up regularly. Back in the day, all I ever heard was “aspirate, aspirate, aspirate!” Now, I only hear that occasionally, and I’ve never, fucking ever, seen a medical professional aspirate...
  2. TryinToGetStrong

    Test Cyp/Enanthate Half life.

    The half-life is just what it sounds like. In a 5 day half-life, you’ll have exactly half of the exogenous compound from that injection remaining, and half of that in another 5 days, and so on. So there will also be a compounding effect over time, and you’ll reach a higher level after a bit...
  3. TryinToGetStrong

    Healthier way to blast and cruise?

    I don’t know that there’s any problems with a shorter cycle vs a longer one (12ish weeks.) I mean, that’s why there are short esters and long esters. Plenty of people are gaining on 8 and 16 week cycles. If you’re going short, stick to NPP, prop and Tren A. If you’re going long, Test E or C...
  4. TryinToGetStrong

    TRT with no AI , new info from Jay Campbell

    This is exactly how I feel about it! Don*t just chase range numbers, but also how youre really feeling and performing.
  5. TryinToGetStrong

    Has anyone had experience with Test E 500mg/ml?

    Sure it’s possible. So go ahead and try it and let us know how the PIP and results are!
  6. TryinToGetStrong

    anyone here stack their TRT / cruise dose? primo / EQ / masteron / proviron?

    I’ve added 8 weeks of tren A to my TRT twice before. The results were good, but some people find tren to be too harsh. If you want to keep test and E2 stable, tren is About the only choice. Otherwise, you can do whatever you want. Just make sure you’re monitoring everything with post cycle...
  7. TryinToGetStrong

    anyone here stack their TRT / cruise dose? primo / EQ / masteron / proviron?

    lol Being on anything other than test for 5 months is surely going to give you issues, especially something as harsh as tren.
  8. TryinToGetStrong

    TRT with no AI , new info from Jay Campbell

    Stan Efferding is the fucking man. Smart, dedicated, educated and experience in a lot of fitness areas. Listen to what he has to say about estrogen blockers. Obviously, if you’re going to supplement test, your E2 is going to rise, which isn’t an inherently bad...
  9. TryinToGetStrong

    SUBQ TRT daily shots , anyone doing this ?

    Everyone is different and different methods are still popping up regularly. Back in the day, all I ever heard was “aspirate, aspirate, aspirate!” Now, I only hear that occasionally, and I’ve never, fucking ever, seen a medical professional aspirate. Subq small amounts is probably going to...
  10. TryinToGetStrong

    Protocol for recovering fertility after coming off TRT to try to have kids

    Have you even tried while on? HCG is supposed to help the boys keep working. I know plenty of dudes who have gotten their partners pregnant on cycle or on TRT. Go to your PCM and get your sperm count before anything else. If you’re producing enough, then it’s all about timing, or maybe your...
  11. TryinToGetStrong

    How long to wait to cycle after last cycle

    Mycelium and Chief hit the two nails on the head. Anecdotally, the advice has long been time on + PCT = time off. Lab results would confirm or deny this for individual users. If you’re blasting and cruising, you can probably alter those numbers, but you should still give the endocrine...
  12. TryinToGetStrong

    Starting a monster ! need some veteran experience and knowledge

    Yes, how is it going? What’s the goal here? What do your lifts look like? What are your measurements? This is a lot of gear, and you claim to already be pretty fucking lean for 215 and a recraetional lifter, so I’d like to know what the end goal is.
  13. TryinToGetStrong

    What’s your preferred Tren cycle?

    What I meant was, take tren at whatever dose you choose, while taking TRT size doses of test. This helps mitigate water retention, prolactin and aromatization issues. I kind of believe that this could be a good starting place for a newer user, if they haven’t used all these chemicals and...
  14. TryinToGetStrong

    What’s your preferred Tren cycle?

    Gotcha. I took clen once, many years ago, when I was super fat. Didnt take it long and didnt get much results. That was before I knew you cant out train a bad diet, cant out clen a bad diet, only out tren a bad diet.
  15. TryinToGetStrong

    Bad shot or infection...what to do?

    He started a new thread and is trying to add more compounds.