Recent content by tyson1250

  1. T

    My diet trying to burn off excess fat

    is my diet ok for some one trying to burn fat and tone and harden up im trying lose the excess fat i have at the moment but finding it very hard to tone i don't want eat 2 much as i think i put fat on easy Porrage 1 scoop protein shake with water training finish training 1 scoops protein...
  2. T

    Favorite cycles for fighters?

    prop and winny
  3. T

    out of date test propionate

    ok thanks guys looks like i got my self good price prop for change lol dose this prop hurt or is it smooth when injecting any 1 tried before ?
  4. T

    out of date test propionate

    i have some Tectoctepohy nponiohat ukraine prop 10% which is 100mg per ml just wondeing is it still ok to use ? some of them are 05-2008 and others are 04-2008 are they still ok ?
  5. T

    SUS & Winny Cycle
