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  • Hey, I saw your post where you said your friend new legit sources in thailand. do you think you could help a brother out and give me some info on them? all I want is test-e/eq/ maybe d bol and of course very very very legit pct meds.
    I found a source in korea, but then found out I would be dealing with the korean mafia and that could get me imprisoned "not worth it at all". now i've got my sights set on thailand bc I just want to cycle in peace with no worries about dea, cops, or gangsters...

    just assuming I could find work in any place where would the most legit pharms with nearby gyms be?
    thanks so much for any advice!
    ps I tried to PM you but for some reason I get an error message whenever I try to PM someone... if you answer you can add to the wealth of info on here, or send pm, it's no difference to me
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