Recent content by Vibrio

  1. Vibrio

    how bad actually is clen for ur heart?

    How much are we talking? I got 25mg softgels. Thanks in advance.
  2. Vibrio

    Eca and did you like it?

    Big AC fan here(I skip the aspirin). The side effects are all manageable for me, except irritability. Kind of a grump for 5-6 weeks. The water weight that falls off at first is encouraging.
  3. Vibrio

    The Clen shakes!?!??!

    When just running a 2 weeks on/2 weeks off cycle, you just stop the T3 cold turkey? I've heard people say that the T3 needs to ramped down; unless that's just for longer cycles.
  4. Vibrio


    What's the purpose of adding taurine to the clen/t3 stack?
  5. Vibrio

    Going to a sick RAVE

    Go all the time on the East Coast That's called "boofing". Got a good chuckle when I read up on it haha
  6. Vibrio

    Another GREAT must read for Newbies!

    n00b question, I'm sure but those 500 and 400mg per week; are they divided up from Mon-Fri or Mon-Sun? Thread has been most informative though. Ready to dive into this forum and absorb info like a sponge.
  7. Vibrio

    Anyone here from Maryland?

    Close, Delaware here. G/f lives near B-More, trying to move down there if a job opens up.