Recent content by weezy1786

  1. W

    A X I O is no longer with us

    so y are their names censored?
  2. W

    A X I O is no longer with us

    ya MORE INFO ON THIS PLEASE!! for all our sakes!!!
  3. W

    A X I O is no longer with us

    fuck im on their sust325 right now. it better be legit cuz im startin my 3rd week at 650mg/wk and i don't feel shatttttttttttt
  4. W


    what does bump mean? sorry this is my first ever forum and i don't kno the lingo~!
  5. W


    ya the protein's definitely there i eat a kilo of chicken breast a day :) then additional calories from natty pb, sweet potatos, or whole wheat breads etc. :)
  6. W


    ill keep u guys posted throughout cycle
  7. W


    it better be im excited!
  8. W


    2mls a week. i shoot t,th,sat each .67 which is about 2.01 ml a week or 650mg/week.
  9. W


    i really hope this is good shit cuz that's all im runnin is the sust + post cycle therapy (pct) of course.
  10. W


    wussuppp im new here. im been just reading around this board for about a month but never posted anything...until now...eheh. that's because im done with 2nd week in my sustaplex cycle and just goin into my 3rd. 20ml goin for 10 weeks. so far nothin yet. liftin 4 days a week and doin cardio on 3...