Recent content by workout119811

  1. W

    end of test cycle

    Yea that's what i thought it was that i was losing the water weight because i definitely am starting to look cutter. When do you guys think i should start taking creatine again once i'm done with the month of my nolva? Pros- Strength went up a lot in every exercise Legs got huge from me...
  2. W

    end of test cycle

    I Finished my first cycle about 3 weeks ago and now have been on nolva at 40mg for a week. I ran a 500 mg test e cycle for 11 weeks, i put on 19 lbs and my strength went up like crazy but now i have lost 5 lbs and feel a lot smaller and strength has gone down a little. Is this common and could...
  3. W

    Dbol and Liverite

    Im currently taking d-bol at 35mg a day for 4 weeks and test e 500mg e/w. I have been on dbol now for 16 days and have gained 9 lbs. Strength has increased but not that much. My ? is, is that a normal gain from that dose? Im also currently running liverite with it that i picked up at wal-mart...
  4. W

    cycle ?

    Hey im currently almost 3 weeks in on a 35mg a day dbol and 500mg test every week. I was wondering if it would be okay to take nolva during the time im on dbol as i might feel a little gyno coming. Im running dbol for 4 weeks and test e for 12 weeks
  5. W

    drawing from vial

    drawing from vial with 22 gauge 1" whats best way to draw?
  6. W

    Red Bumps

    This is my first cycle and yesterday was my 2nd injection of test 250, Both in thighs. First went smooth a little sore for a couple days. But the 2nd one not so good i have little red bumps around the area and it swell up and is real sore. I know for a fact i injected pretty fast could this of...
  7. W

    Post Injection

    Hey ,what do you guys use after the injection to massage the site?
  8. W

    D-Bol and hair loss

    Has anyone who has used d-bol have experience hair loss? I plan on running 30mg for 4 weeks with test. Is 30mgs a day for 4 weeks enough to have hair loss as side effect?
  9. W

    Cycle ?

    I am 22
  10. W

    Cycle ?

    thanks, this would be my first cycle have done ph before i am 6 feet tall 185lbs 7.2%bf have been lifting hard for 3 years
  11. W

    Cycle ?

    I plan on doing this cycle d-bol 30mg weeks 1-4 test e 500 mg weeks e/w weeks 1-12 Week 13 start nolva 40/40/20/20 Do i need to get an aI during the first four weeks of dbol? Do you think I will be fine with just nolva for pct?
  12. W

    first cycle help

    Hello for my first cycle i plan on running d-bol 30mg for 20 days and 40mg 10 days. I also plan on running test e at 500mg/ew for 12 weeks as soon as i start dbol. I plan on running nolva 40/40/20/20 after cycle is completed should i wait a week after to start nolva? As i have read test e has a...
  13. W

    geneza test e

    thanks for all the replys
  14. W

    geneza test e

    6 feet tall, 185lbs 7.2%bf 275 bench press Been lifting for 4 years on and off. Have been lifting a year straight real hard
  15. W

    geneza test e

    le?? what are you guys talking about this is gonna be my first cycle just trying to learn as much as possible before i start.