Recent content by zulu b37

  1. Z

    Ankylosing spondylitis humire

    sorry about the delay Hi Thanks for the reply, good to hear from someone with as who trains. I have only been on humira for a couple of weeks (second injection) so unsure how good it is as of yet, but dont feel as stiff and feel better in myself and lifting more at the gym. So brilliant so far...
  2. Z

    Ankylosing spondylitis humire

    Thanks Zero V yeah see them but dont want to ask them kind of people in case they are unhappy with me taking steds with hemira and take it away. So trying to get the information myself first. Thanks Man
  3. Z

    Ankylosing spondylitis humire

    Havent a clue m8.
  4. Z

    Ankylosing spondylitis humire

    i have Ankylosing spondylitis and have just started Humira injections for it. trained for 15 yrs with AS it kept me fit, the problem i have now, can i take a sted course with humira or is it a no go, heard humira is a bit risky, i know its a long shot but does anybody know if anyone has mix the...
  5. Z

    EP dianabol and sus what do you think.

    Sorry about the delay lol Yeah i dont think they fake just not very good, some gains but i will steer clear from them myself. thanks
  6. Z

    read the rules

    read the rules . you are practically asking to get scammed.
  7. Z

    EP dianabol and sus what do you think.

    thought i would get one reply noboby see these before.
  8. Z

    EP dianabol and sus what do you think.

    Hi i have Ep deca and sus never seen these before so just wanted to know if you know of these. tabs are a beige colour with white flecks in them no writing. solid to the touch. none have stuck together. what do you think good bad. it would be good to get your opinion thanks.
  9. Z

    sus brown bottle

    Hi just wanted to report back. 4 weeks in and there good, So the miss spelt bach is good. thanks for the replys and messenges i was going to bin them, So thanks
  10. Z

    sus brown bottle

    Cheers m8 do you know anyboby who as taken the missed spell batch.
  11. Z

    sus brown bottle

    Thanks for the replys. Die$eL~Man dont get what you mean sorry im a bit dim. What do you think good to go or in the bin.
  12. Z

    sus brown bottle

    Thanks welshman! Been on a few sites and alot are saying there ok. Do you know anybody who as taken this one. looks a bit dodgey to me. this is from a other forum. i will put this spelling mistake nonsense to bed. i had batch 1269 with the spelling mistake tested. you know the one with the...
  13. Z

    sus brown bottle

    Thanks i will check. do you what it should be like, the spelling
  14. Z

    sus brown bottle

    iv bought these amps the glass is brown with a white snap stripe and 2 more above it ones yellow and the others red , the batch numbers 2419 SK09/14 , i think there from Turkey , any info would be hugely appreciated
  15. Z

    is my organon sustanon 250 genuione

    Iv got the same ones sounds a bit sus. :nonono2: