Really think running a cycle now is a smart idea?
There's a bit of a difference accordingly to blood levels as well as sides. I guess the question is why wouldn't you do 2 shots ?
So you would have to come off cycle to go to your endo appointment.
My T has already bottomed out and it's going to take a while to get an appointment with an endo.... Why not I ask?
yes that is correct.. i'm just curious what the harm would be in doing a cycle if my T is already low... essentially I would go from blast to cruise.
If you don't do it right, you will have a hard time getting on TRT. Life is going to suck between ending your cycle and waiting for a doc to prescribe TRT. It is likely that your TT will go even lower than it is now during this period of time.
If you have given up all hope then get on TRT.
What does doing it right entail?
Do you know of anyone recovering from a 200 ish T count, using "restart" methods? .. if so what did they get back up to and for how long?
Yes. Normal TT levels (i.e. ~600ng/dl).
Quote Originally Posted by copaseet View Post
What does doing it right entail?
What is your plan? How about you go first?
Finish the gear I already bought a while back, which will give me a 16 week 500 mg Test E cycle, with 6 weeks of var, HCG 2 X a week, Clomid\Novla PCT.... then let my T crash and burn and go see the doc about getting on TRT.
How long did he maintain it for? what was his steroid history? Was this the clomid restart?
How long will you wait after PCT ends before you see your doc?
Some guys for years. Some had used AAS. Others had never touched it.
hCG and/or clomid and/or nolva. One guy was arimidex-monotherapy.