1 Steroid Type, cycle


New member
Anyone got any experience on cycling with one AAS, nothing stacked

looking for something i can use by its self that will give me gains in size that i can maintain wile coming off, assuming my training and diet are "ON POINT"!!
Test of coarse.first cycle was te 600mg a week. Gained 20 lbs and kept 15 of it. Lost 3% bf too. I taking adex too...
I've heard test alone is a great stand alone. Not to mention it should be a first cycle so one can see what sides test causes before stacking with another compound.
One AAS nothing stacked is the cornerstone of every beginners cycle. Most folks here have done what youre proposing, and made terrific gains.

Pick a long ester and go for it. :) *provided your stats are in line with beginning a cycle.*