12 Week Lean Bulk cycle advice required!


New member
I am planning to start my fourth cycle,I have been training from age 16 and its been a while after my last cycle ,my main goal is to get a lean bulk physique

My Stats :-
Age:- 27
Height:- 5 11ft
Weight :- 185lbs
BF%:- 13%

Test P 100mg EOD (1-12weeks)
Primobolon 100mg EOD(1-12 weeks)
Winstrol 50mg ED (1-4 weeks & 8-12 weeks)
Proviron 25mg ED(1-12weeks)
Clenbuterol (80mcg) or t3(25mcg) ED 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off
Anastrazole 0.5mg EOD (1-12 weeks)
HCG 1000iU/week (2-12 weeks)

PCT:-(5 days after last pin)
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolvadex 40/30/20/20

The reason for running HCG during cycle is to prevent testicular atrophy so that my libido would not be affected during pct.Any changes in the cycle are most welcomed.
The reason for running HCG during cycle is to prevent testicular atrophy so that your libido would not be affected
I am planning to start my fourth cycle,I have been training from age 16 and its been a while after my last cycle ,my main goal is to get a lean bulk physique

My Stats :-
Age:- 27
Height:- 5 11ft
Weight :- 185lbs
BF%:- 13%

Test P 100mg EOD (1-12weeks)
Primobolon 100mg EOD(1-12 weeks)
Winstrol 50mg ED (1-4 weeks & 8-12 weeks)
Proviron 25mg ED(1-12weeks)
Clenbuterol (80mcg) or t3(25mcg) ED 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off
Anastrazole 0.5mg EOD (1-12 weeks)
HCG 1000iU/week (2-12 weeks)

PCT:-(5 days after last pin)
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolvadex 40/30/20/20

The reason for running HCG during cycle is to prevent testicular atrophy so that my libido would not be affected during pct.Any changes in the cycle are most welcomed.

Switch the test P for E... and you dont need to pin primo EOD... pin the E and primo once a week... im not experienced with proviron.. but that seems like a long time to run it... also wouldnt use clen in a lean bulk
You are planning on using 5 different steroids in your 4th cycle. I think that's a bit much. I would drop the clen and the winstrol. I agree on switching to test e instead of running prop.

I would switch proviron out with masteron. I'm thinking low test with an adequate amount of mast would be ideal enough with a good diet. Primo is expensive and most use it for longer than 12 weeks.
This is your 4th cycle. Stick to the basics. Test, winny and primo or maybe test, masteron, Tren. Both of these or combos of these will get you a lean bulk and drop some water. You already have a low body fat. The clen and t3 are a waste of money at this point. You can drop the Proviron too since the masteron or primo would mostly do the same thing. That is, battle estrogen.

Lastly, try to get injectible winny if you're going to go that route. Save you a little on the ole liver. Liver issues are another reason not to use clen, t3 or Proviron. That's a lot of orals.
Welcome to the board :wavey:

OP this is way over kill.... as I have said so many times to you guys, our bodies cannot react like a digital processor to change up and handle all these different attributes with all these different compounds you plan to use.

And as approached by others why all this pinning. Man we can tell you this will get old real quick within one cycle or over a career of AAS use. You should want to go as easy on your body as possible. Doing Test P as opposed to Test "E" will not keep you any leaner if that is what you think.

PS: Just a NOTE ... nothing battles Estrogen except an AI. Ergo NO steroid is to be used for the substitute of an AI.
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This is your 4th cycle. Stick to the basics. Test, winny and primo or maybe test, masteron, Tren. Both of these or combos of these will get you a lean bulk and drop some water. You already have a low body fat. The clen and t3 are a waste of money at this point. You can drop the Proviron too since the masteron or primo would mostly do the same thing. That is, battle estrogen.

Lastly, try to get injectible winny if you're going to go that route. Save you a little on the ole liver. Liver issues are another reason not to use clen, t3 or Proviron. That's a lot of orals.

Mast, primo nor proviron battle estrogen lol