1st cycle stack help! Please critique! Not a noob to bodybuilding but noob to cycle


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What's up fellas? Brand new to the site and couldn't be more excited! I've been lifting seriously for about ten years now, trying every legal supplement out there and studying and perfecting my nutrition non-stop. I have cut and bulked time after time, but every time I get down to about 11% on my cut, I can't get below it without losing a lot of my hard earned muscle. My body just eats up my muscle and holds on to that thin layer of fat. I am an ectomorph to the max and when I cut, before I know it my huge arms I worked so hard to achieve begin to disappear once I get close to single digit bf%.

Anyways, I just turned 26 and I'm tired of putting $300 a month worth of over the counter supplements in my body to try to get the body I want to achieve. Hell, half the chemicals listed in these supplements I can barely even pronounce, let alone no clue what they are doing to my body. Either way, I feel like I have done the work and feel it is time to give a cycle a chance. I have been so scared to put something like that in my body…yet I'm over here taking 15 supplements a day full of who knows what. Of course I want to do this cycle as safe as possible and I have read up non-stop. However, I would really appreciate some veterans saving me on some possible rookie mistakes. There knowledge far surpasses mine and would be greatly appreciated!

So here is where I'm at with it all. I have a family member who has cycled for years. I finally told him I was looking at HGH and wanted to get to that next level my small natural frame wouldn't allow (yes, I've lifted heavy, done HIIT, had a perfect diet, etc. etc. (just letting you know I'm not some dip shit looking for a quick solution. I'm an engineer and ex-college athlete who is actually quite nervous about this)). He told me about all of these hormone replacement facilities that are spreading like wild fire and how he knows the dosages they give there. I told him I would like to do that. I want to start low. I don't need to be massive. I just want big arms and a six pack at the same time for once! (IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASKKKKK HAHA), but naturally if I have one then the other won't stay. So here is what he put me on:

Sustanon 250mg (1 time a week)
HCG 2IU's (1 time a week)
HGH Somatropin 2IU's (5 days a week)
Anastrozole 1mg (1 time a week)

So before anyone tells me I'm unprepared, don't know anything, and hazes me for being a little confused. (I'm here for help!) Here is what I have learned/believe the reasoning behind my stack (I want to inform you what I believe is true so you can help me learn and do the correct thing):

Sustanon 250 mg: Yes I know this is a replacement dosage. As I said I am pretty leaned out and a good size so I want to start with that. If I need to bump up to 500mg a week in a few weeks I will, but I honestly feel I can make great gains from that dosage so I see no reason to double up like that for my first cycle. (And for the record….a replacement dosage is 200mg every two weeks even though doctors put you on 250mg/week. On average a male produce 10mg a day = 70mg a week x 2 = 140mg in two weeks. So even 200mg every 2 weeks is more than an average male produces. 250mg in one week should make some things happen for me. Sorry for the explanation but all I read all over the place is how doing 250mg a week is stupid. Though it's low, it will build up overtime and is over the average natural amount.)

HCG: Of course the HCG is to keep my nuts running during the cycle. (I don't know what's scarier, gynecomastia or testicular atrophy….don't want either of them!) I know some people do it post cycle, some do it during. My family member said do it during for a quicker recovery so have decided to go with that.

HGH: Of course HGH is the new fountain of youth. Might be a few years shy of needing to supplement with it but I have read that it runs great with test and helps you cut fat and build muscle. Have a few friends who swear by it. I am also well aware that it takes very long cycles of HGH to see and feel results but I wanted to give it a try and hoping it will slow down my aging process as well of course.

Anastrozole:An AI to block the estrogen.

PCT: I reallyyyyy want to run it. My family member says my cycle is so low that I don't need PCT….I however do not give a shit how big it is. I want to retain gains, I want my boys back in gear, and I love my nipples the way they are! No reason not to be safe. Read about nolvadex and clomid. Nolvadex sounds like the winner. Will do both….don't have a way to get either yet. Working on it.

I know this post is long so I won't burn you out, but I do have some questions once I get some professionals help! (big money big money big monayyyyy)

I ask that you please leave a reasoning behind your advice. If you tell me to bump my sustanon up to 500mg a week please tell me why so I can learn and understand. Too many people leave replies saying "hey just take triple of that" and expect people to just do it without reasoning. I am here to learn and would love your knowledgeable input.

Biggest points of interest I have are:

1.) Is my stack good? Any things that need to be immediately fixed?
2.) Do i need PCT? Recommended dosage?
3.) Does this mean I'm going to have to supplement with test the rest of my life?

I would say your cycle is less then adequate and your family member is mis-informed. First off, sust should be pinned every third day. U plan on doing it once a week. Not gonna work. Secondly, 250mgs isn't worth cycling alone unless your going to stack it with something else like tren or deca. Third, its your first cycle. Fuck using gh unless u plan on running it for atleast 6 months. Don't think that gh doesn't have negative sides @ 2 iu's a day cuz it can.
First cycle should be test enanthate or cyponate. 500mgs pinned twice a week. Yes, u should run an ai. What's an ai? If your family member don't know, yet another reason not to listen to him besides not using a pct. Look up ai's. U will need a pct. Look that up too. Hcg should and could be ran throughout the entire cycle and stopped 4 days or so before pct. 250 iu's twice a week would work. Do some research so u can determine for yourself who is blowing smoke up your ass. Promise it ain't me...