1st cycle, suggestions/advice/critique appreciated


New member
Im pretty happy with the way this looks on paper, my only concern is the possibility of debilitating PIP sometimes associated with prop. Ive talked to people who did entire 10 week cycles of prop as their first cycle with ED-EOD pins and no issues, and on the other hand Ive heard experiences from guys that literally won't touch it again, so it seems like a combination of the quality of the gear, technique effectiveness when pinning, and individual response. And besides, I'll know from the first shot or 2 if this is something I'd like to continue doing, if not I'll drop it and just stick with the longer ester.

So, here was what I was thinking, 600mg test cyp for 1st 12 weeks w/ 4-5 week test prop kicker, tapering down as the cyp kicks in. Then a brief prop switchover (2-3 weeks) after week 12 as the cyp clears out of my system, allowing test levels to remain high right up to PCT, which will begin 3 days after my last prop pin

Letro, clomid, nolva, adex, and asin all on hand.

Weeks 1-12: 600mg test cyp E4D, aromasin 12.5mg EOD as a start point, find the sweet spot w/ bloods and by feel. Nolva and letro on hand in case I find out I'm gyno prone, fingers crossed.
Week 1: 125mg prop EOD
Week 2: 100mg prop EOD
Week 3: 75mg prop EOD
Week 4: 50mg prop EOD
Week 5: 0-25mg prop EOD

Ive heard that when the longer esters like cyp and enth really kick in full force, you notice a very profound difference compared to that of the prop. If i feel it needs a bit more time I'll go 25mg EOD but if not, ill prob just drop the prop right there. May even do 12.5mg EOD just to play it safe, 5 weeks should be sufficient for the cyp to be doing its thing.
Week 13-15/16: stop the cyp, resume prop @125mg EOD for 2-3 weeks.

PCT begins 3 days after my last prop pin.

PCT protocol:
Nolvadex: 40/40/20/20
Aromasin: 12.5mg ED for 2 weeks, drop to 6.25mg ED for weeks 3-4

Bloods will be taken at appropriate times of course; before starting, maybe once or twice to check my E2 levels as I dial the aromasin dose in, midway through, and several weeks after PCT is completed.
Age, height, weight and body fat%?

You will never get the timing right of ramping up and down the prop. I guarantee you will make things worse trying to get the timing perfect. Just keep it simple -- especially since this is your first cycle -- and only use test cyp.
You overlooked some things. No ai in pct. Doesn't belong there. No mention of hcg at all. Agree with tron, forget about the prop. Don't know what your talking about with the profound effects of cyp kicking in. Think about it. Doesn't make any sense. You got cyp and prop confused. If cyp hit hard like that, you wouldn't need to wait 4-6 weeks for it to kick in bud. Do some more research.

I see you have been looking into this which is good but I would have to agree with the others, there is too much going on for your first cycle. Stick with the long ester and make life much easier so you can focus on training and eating more.
Im pretty happy with the way this looks on paper, my only concern is the possibility of debilitating PIP sometimes associated with prop. Ive talked to people who did entire 10 week cycles of prop as their first cycle with ED-EOD pins and no issues, and on the other hand Ive heard experiences from guys that literally won't touch it again, so it seems like a combination of the quality of the gear, technique effectiveness when pinning, and individual response.