1st Cycle, Test C 10wks + 3wks off + 4wks PCT


New member
Age: 30M
Ht 67"
Wt 140lbs
Bf 13-14%
Exp: 5yrs lifting

Test Cyp 250mg/wk (125mg E3.5D) x 10wks
Hcg 250IU/wk (125IU E3.5D) x 10wks
Exemestane 12.5mg EOD x 12wks

10days leading up to week #13, HCG 500IU ED
Starting Week #13
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 20/20/20/20

Total: 10wks on, 3wks off, 4wks PCT; 17wk total cycle.

How's it look? Feedback much appreciated, thank you for your time.
Welcome to the forums! may i ask how your diet is? at 6 feet 7 inches tall and only 140 pounds your diet is a key factor. The cycle looks good and standard far as i can see but i would streach it to 12 weeks to do it properly. View attachment 567127 this pic info is from 3J here.
i would also contact him for some free diet advice to get your numbers up to do a solid cycle.
Is that 67" or is it 6' 7" ?
And you are saying 250mg per week of cyp?!? Is this trt? Sorry for all the questions I'm just a bit confused? If you're 6' 7" and 140 at 14% you're gonna have to EAT EAT and EAT some more. The 250 per week sounds like HIGH trt dose or low cycle dose. Everyone here is probably gonna suggest 400 to 500mg.
Definitely listen to Milton. And keep us posted on how this cycle goes. Good luck bro
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It's not going to be worth shutting down your natural test production for over 3 months to use 250mgs of test per week. It is more than your body produces but as far as gains, risk and reward goes it's not worth doing a cycle.

Bump the test up to 500mgs per week and you have yourself a good first cycle. Read the beginner cycle stickys for more of an understanding on things.

I think op is 67 inches tall. Maybe clear up your stats a little bit for everyone..
Thanks for the replies everyone.

67 inches, 5ft 7in tall. BMR is 1500cal; diet for this cycle will be 2400cal with 100cal increase per week.
Yes, this is a low dose cycle; read through nightmare007's beginner guide and adjusted from there. Figure second cycle will be test 500; and 3rd cycle w/dbol. Just trying to hit genetic maximum on this low dose cycle.
Exactly what these guys said, a 250 mg/wk test cyp cycle is not worth doing - very minimal upside vs. all the same downsides of our hobby, which are many.

If you want to try it out, do the basic 500 mg/wk test cycle for 12 weeks. Double your HCG dosage you listed. Keep the same 3 weeks gap then 4 weeks PCT.
I would go with Tankmanbob's layout.

250 Mg a Week is a Waste of your Time and Good AAS.

You need to Double that amount, to make it worthwhile........................ JP
OP you need to do enough mgs to raise your natural levels to a higher then normal range. This is the benefit we are looking to achieve. After the introduction of exogenous Testosterone you will be shut down and relying only on Exogenous Test. Ergo the need for a dose of 500mgs to reap the essential benefits of the steroids.

Thanks everyone for your quick replies. After consideration, I will go ahead with the standard 500mg cycle. Will post back during midcycle bloods.
Been reading Nightmare007's guide: https://steroidology.com/forum/anabolic-steroid-forum/664646-cycling-beginners-guide-safe-androgen-use.html; some folks on another board are saying the Exemestane dosing is too aggressive? Nightmare007's dosing makes sense to me since asin is suicide inhibitor and estro recovers after 24hrs thus the daily dosing.
I think that's a good decision, and you'll be happy with the results. All you laid out looks good.

Make sure you get pre cycle bloodwork, you only have one chance ever to get it.
Thanks everyone for your quick replies. After consideration, I will go ahead with the standard 500mg cycle. Will post back during midcycle bloods.

thats good and wise, please keep us posted and if you have any other questions bro.
Thanks for the replies everyone.

67 inches, 5ft 7in tall. BMR is 1500cal; diet for this cycle will be 2400cal with 100cal increase per week.
Yes, this is a low dose cycle; read through nightmare007's beginner guide and adjusted from there. Figure second cycle will be test 500; and 3rd cycle w/dbol. Just trying to hit genetic maximum on this low dose cycle.

ok that makes more sense thanks for the clarification. but still, get more food into you now because regardless of it you will need to eat more to keep the gains that you will get this cycle.