1st Helladrol Cycle


New member
I just started week 2 of a Helladrol cycle. I had that and a bottle of Beastdrol and decided on the Hdrol due to the lethargic sides I read on Beastdrol. I'm in flight school and need all the focus I can get.

My Hdrol cycle is 50/75/75/75/75 and I have Clomid as a post cycle therapy (pct). I started the cycle last week a day after getting back from survival training where I lost 15 lbs. This was the best time for me to start so I can finish up the cycle right before the Christmas break.

I felt great all last week on it and felt my strength quickly coming back but went to the gym today and felt kind of weak. I was thinking if it would be a good idea to stack the beastdrol w/ Hdrol or would this be too much?

Also I would love some advice on my Clomid post cycle therapy (pct). When would you recommend starting, dose, and for how long. Also money isn't really an issue so is there any product that you recommend to take with clomid?

I came back from my survival training @ 163 and am already back up to 173 but most of that if not all of it is from getting back to my normal diet and sleeping regularly. I'm around 13% BF with a goal of 180 lbs 10% BF.

I ran hella at 150 for 4 weeks and got great gains. Since your already into this cycle I wouldnt suggest throwing beast in it is not just an add in ph your cycle needs to be build acround the needs to beast specifically
50/75/75/75/75 I would suggest bumping up the dose alittle bit if you can body willing
as for post cycle therapy (pct) i would add a forged post cycle in there and maybe some sustain alpha my post cycle therapy (pct) for hella was sustain,unleased,hcgenerate,post cycle and after the unleashed and post cycle bottles ran out i used forged post cycle therapy (pct) which i loved
I just started week 2 of a Helladrol cycle. I had that and a bottle of Beastdrol and decided on the Hdrol due to the lethargic sides I read on Beastdrol. I'm in flight school and need all the focus I can get.

My Hdrol cycle is 50/75/75/75/75 and I have Clomid as a post cycle therapy (pct). I started the cycle last week a day after getting back from survival training where I lost 15 lbs. This was the best time for me to start so I can finish up the cycle right before the Christmas break.

I felt great all last week on it and felt my strength quickly coming back but went to the gym today and felt kind of weak. I was thinking if it would be a good idea to stack the beastdrol w/ Hdrol or would this be too much?

Also I would love some advice on my Clomid post cycle therapy (pct). When would you recommend starting, dose, and for how long. Also money isn't really an issue so is there any product that you recommend to take with clomid?

I came back from my survival training @ 163 and am already back up to 173 but most of that if not all of it is from getting back to my normal diet and sleeping regularly. I'm around 13% BF with a goal of 180 lbs 10% BF.


What r u traing for bro? i would hate to be a passenger on a flight and u start raging out lol.
Dose Clomid at 50/50/50/50, make sure to take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) such as Formastanozol with the Clomid. I also recommend HCGenerate with pct.