2 weeks on 2 weeks off - Test E


New member
I'm looking to try my first cycle,

I work a 2 weeks on 2 weeks off job up north and am looking to try a cycle of test Email only.

Because I'm my work situation i would only be able to dose for the 2 weeks I'm home as security is tight.

Since this would be my first time trying steroids, what would effects would I see from dosing for two weeks with test E and then not taking them for two weeks, and then taking them again when I get home.

There is a gym at my work location so training would be consistent with black home.
Test e clears out of your system in 7-10 days.

So i cant see the benefit of running test in this situation.
Sounds like a bad idea
Test e clears out of your system in 7-10 days.

So i cant see the benefit of running test in this situation.
Sounds like a bad idea

That's the half life, not the "out of system" time.

It's obviously not the best scenario, but just front load those weeks.

If you could get some Test U it would work better.
I was thinking the same thing, get cyp rather than e, or better yet get test und.

You could pin right when you get home, right when you leave, and a few times when at home, not ideal but would work.
My plan was to use 500mg per week of test E with 30-40 grams of dbol ED.

I would be able to get two full doses of 500mg per week before I left again, and would continue to take dbol while away.