2nd Cycle Advice for Lean Bulk


New member
Hello Gents,
I have been lurking on this forum for a while and have learned a ton of great info! This is my first post and would appreciate any advice on my upcoming Winter 2015 Lean Bulk Cycle. Here is my plan so far:

Weeks 1-14 Test E@ 500mg
Weeks 1-14 EQ @ 600mg (frontload?)
Weeks 1-4 Dbol @ 20-30mg (optional)

Weeks 15-18 Test Prop @ 100mg EOD
Weeks 15-18 Anavar @75mg/day (optional)

Weeks 1-18 Arimidex @ .25-.5 EOD
Weeks 6-18 HCG @ 250IU 2X/week

PCT (start 3 days after last Test Prop/Anavar dose)
Aromasin @ 12.5mg EOD
Nolva @ 40/40/20/20/20
Clomid@ 100/100/50/50/50

- 36 Years Old, 208 llbs BF15-20% (haven’t measured, I am relatively lean but have some chub/little gut)
- Training 18 years (on and off in intensity)
- Cycle History: 2nd cycle (don’t count the small one I did 15 years ago!). Cycle last summer was Test @ 400Mg/week Anavar @ 50mg/day. Gained 16 lbs, but a fair amount of water (ie. My diet was okay but too high in salt and some junk carbs…which I will avoid this time!)
- Goals: quality mass/lean bulk

My main concerns/questions are:
- First time running EQ, I have researched that it needs to be run min. 14 weeks ideally up to 20 weeks. I am also told Test needs to be run 1-2 weeks past EQ. Do you think recovery will be really difficult going this long? I want it to be effective but don’t want to lose my balls or gains because of a tough recovery due to length?
- Is EQ @ 600mg too much for a first run of this compound or is 400mg a safer bet? (read a lot of warnings about high RBC count being potentially dangerous)
- Dbol vs Frontload- being that I am a relatively new juicer, this may be too many compounds? I am not sure whether to include a Dbol kickstart and/or frontload EQ? I am really dying to try Dbol, but worry about “stressing my system” so early in a long cycle and/or putting on too much water.
- Should I run Adex from beginning or just if problems arise?

Thanks and any input or advice on how to set this up would be awesome. I have more than enough of all of these compounds on hand to increase doses as necessary. I want to make some good gains on this one, but want to be a safe as possible with the lowest effective dose.
I'd drop the Dbol, maybe add Tbol instead. Similar without the bloat. I would also run the EQ through week 18.
I'd drop the Dbol, maybe add Tbol instead. Similar without the bloat. I would also run the EQ through week 18.

except running EQ to week 18 means he can't start pct till atleast week 23...

i'd personally raise the EQ to at least 750mg and remove the dbol and just be patient..

my personal sweet spot for EQ is around a gram... it's a very mild compound (not counting it thickening the shit out of your blood, which can be solved by donating or phlebotomy )
except running EQ to week 18 means he can't start pct till atleast week 23...

i'd personally raise the EQ to at least 750mg and remove the dbol and just be patient..

my personal sweet spot for EQ is around a gram... it's a very mild compound (not counting it thickening the shit out of your blood, which can be solved by donating or phlebotomy )

If running a gram, how often should one give blood?
Ya, that is the thing. Longer I run the EQ longer I have to run test, wait for PCT etc. which puts the cylce over 20 weeks as you pointed out.

I'll raise the EQ and run it higher, probably go 14-16weeks depending how it goes. Will save the Dbol for another cycle. Thanks for the advice!
I personally give blood every 2 months give or take .
But I do it at home to myself. .

I'd cough up the 60 bucks and get blood work a couple times... but usually u can just take Ur blood pressure aND tell if it's high by Ur vascularity, you'll get headaches, etc

Edit, and your already going 18 weeks wit the prop.. cut Ena at 18 instead, cut eq at 18 or 20... add prop when removing enanthate. Up until the date the eq is cleared.. then remove prop and begin pct..

2 weeks won't make or break you
Ya save the dbol.. eq will keep your gains quite lean.. no need to add dbol especially at the end...

Just eat a ton of clean foods and get your protein. In and you'll grow like craxy..

Honestly eat 4 solid meals and 2 or 3 shakes.. and try and cut out shakes and substitute for solid food when Ur appetite pemits you...

Remember diet is key to all of this.. if you hate chicken breasts.. try chicken thighs.. i just cooked up over 10 lbs of boneless thighs.. they only have 2.5g more fat then brea st and u can trim em