3/28/13 Mr supps Thursday Sale $10 off KETO BURN!!


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This thursdays sale, we are having $10 off KETO BURN .Sale starts Thursdays 3/28/13 at 2 pm CST and ends when the clock strikes midnight!

$10 off Discount code =keto

link to mr supps store -->https://www.mrsupps.com/Products/94/Keto+Burn/

Burn Fat
Lower Cortisol
Increase Lean Muscle Mass
HPLC Tested for potency and purity
Keto Burn is a new fat burner designed to target fat - that hard to burn, last to go, just can***8217;t get rid of it, fat.

Keto Burn targets it and eliminates it. Unlike traditional fat burners, Keto Burn is not packed full of stimulants, so you won't experience crazy jitters, and you won't crash once it wears off. We designed our formula with ingredients proven to burn fat, help lower cortisol, and increase lean muscle mass.

Keto Burn is very similar to the popular product Lean Xtreme***8482;.

What kind of results can I expect from supplementing with Keto Burn?

May Promote Weight Loss
May Increase Natural Testosterone Levels
May Support Healthy Thyroid
May Lower Cortisol Levels
May Lower Stress Levels
May Promote a Healthy Immune System
May Improve Memory

Lowering Cortisol Levels and Maintaining a Healthy Thyroid is Essential to Burn That Last Bit of Troublesome Belly Fat!

What is Cortisol?

Cortisol is a hormone in the body secreted by the adrenal glands. It has been termed ***8220;the stress hormone***8221; because it is secreted in higher levels during the body***8217;s fight or flight response to stress.

Why is it Important to Lower Cortisol Levels?

Higher and more prolonged levels of cortisol in the bloodstream can have very negative effects, such as:

Suppressed Thyroid Function (Healthy Thyroid Function is Essential for Weight Loss)
Decrease in Muscle Tissue
Decrease in Bone Density
Increased Blood Pressure
Lowered Immunity
Impaired Cognitive Performance
Increased Abdominal Fat (Visceral Fat - this is the hardest fat to get rid of, and excess amounts of it have their own negative health consequences such as heart attacks and strokes).
Lowering cortisol levels is essential to eliminating unhealthy belly fat! This is why we designed Keto Burn to lower cortisol levels, giving it a remarkable edge on traditional fat burners.

Who Should Supplement with Keto Burn?

Healthy adults who are overweight, dieting, or trying to get rid of that last little bit of annoying belly fat should supplement with Keto Burn.

I***8217;m Under the Age of 21. Should I Use Keto Burn?

No. This product was intended for adult use only.

What dosage should I take?

As a dietary supplement, take 1 serving (1 capsule) 2 to 4 times daily. Cortisol levels are highest in the morning. For best results, take one capsule when you wake up and another right before lunch.

What side effects can I expect?

If negative side effects should occur, discontinue use immediately and consult your physician.

KetoBurn, the Formula:

Green Tea Leaf Extract (std. min.60%): aids in raising metabolism and increases fat oxidation. It also increases stamina and boosts endurance.

Green Coffee Extract Powder (std. min.50% Chlorogenic Acid, 2% Caffeine): the active ingredient in Green Coffee Extract is Chlorogenic Acid. Chlorogenic acid slows absorption of fat and activates metabolism of extra fat.

Coleus Forskohlii Extract (std. min.10% Forskolin ***8211; root): has been shown to burn fat and help improve the digestive system. Coleus Forskohlii also helps regulate hormones in the body and can help maintain a healthy thyroid. It may also help obese people lose weight by increasing levels of cAMP. This increase triggers the release of an enzyme (hormone-sensitive lipase) which burns fat cells. Increased cAMP also raises testosterone levels in men. See what Dr. Oz has to say about Forskolin here: Belly Blasting Supplements | The Dr. Oz Show

Caffeine: can give your brain and your metabolism a boost. It can also stimulate the heart and act as a mild diuretic, increasing your body***8217;s ability to flush out fluids which helps in weight loss.

Cortisol Reduction - The following ingredients play a role in cortisol reduction and healthy thyroid function:

7-Keto-DHEA: speeds up metabolism and heat production to promote weight loss. 7-Keto-DHEA improves lean body mass and helps to build muscle. It also increases activity of the thyroid gland, boosts the immune system, and enhances memory. Developing research suggests 7-Keto-DHEA may be very effective in helping obese women lose weight and fat. On February 20, 2012, Dr. Oz aired a segment on Belly Blasting Supplements and touted the effects of 7-Keto-DHEA. See what Dr. Oz had to say about 7-Keto here: Belly Blasting Supplements | The Dr. Oz Show

7-Beta-Hydroxy-DHEA: helps a person lose weight while increasing lean muscle mass; it also boosts the immune system and improves memory.

3,5 Diiodo-L-Thyronine: has been proven to stimulate resting metabolic rate - the rate your body burns calories while you rest. It helps burn extra calories and eliminate stubborn body fat without negative side effects.

This is a great product from Mr Supps for lowering cortisol and burning fat. It's nice to see this new product for a great price!
Keto Burn is one of my favorite mrsupps products***8230; It can be used in a multitude of ways***8230; I highly recommend taking advantage of this sale***8230;