3j please advice if i have anything to improve in this cutting diet


New member
im currently on a cycle of tren acetate , test prop and tbol for 3 mths .
also running cclen 2 wks off and 2 wks on
t3 runnin at 1 month with clen tapering down .

my diet are as follow ( i work the late shift so i wake up later normally )

meal 1 1pm - 1.30 pm( pre workout ) = 2 scoops whey protien shake , 1 cup organic oats , 1 banana , 1 teaspoon peanut butter
3 whole large eggs .

2 pm = workout . ( intra ) 11g bcaa

meal 2 3.30 - 4 pm ( post workout ) = 2 tilapia loins , 1 cup brocolli , 6 egg whites scrambled with olive oil , 2 scoops whey protien shake , creatine + 2 caps fish oil

meal 3 7.30 - 8.30 pm = 1 whole chicken skinless and fats removed also washed with water to remove excess oils , with 1 cup fresh vegetables . + 1 cap vit c

meal 4 11.30 - 12.30 am = 6 oz chicken breast wrap with 1 cup vegetables

meal 5 3.30 - 4am = sustain released protien 2 scoops before bed + 1 cap multi vitamins .

i am an endomorph 100% and very very prone to carbs . i lowered my carb intake in a day on purpose and i work out 6 days a week . any advice will be great bro .
You're missing so much info it's impossible to give a constructive critique of your diet. List your age, height, weight, BF%, activity level, goals, TDEE, macros, and list the macros and calories for your proposed diet.

And PS, somatotypes are not real. They were started by Dr. Sheldon who was a psychologist and numasmitist, both having nothing to do with nutrition, training, or body comp. his "somatotypes" attempted to correlate body composition with social hierarchy, intelligence, and other things. Most modern researchers dismiss his work as frivolous and I suggest you do the same. To think that the entire human population, with all it's genetic mutations and permeations, can be categorized in 3 broad categories (which by the way anyone can change at anytime with diet and training) is retarded and so was he.