3rd cycle looking for info on test prop and npp cycle


New member
Im 31 years old 5'9" 180 lbs have done two cycles of test only one test E and one test prop. Im looking into starting a test prop and npp cycle I want some lean gains and over all strength gains is what is most important to me as I use my body and muscles for work. The first test E cycle did just that but the second round was ok not as good as the first. I felt like I was hulk/dirk diggler and could workout all day long. What I have been recommended is 150mg each EOD for 12 weeks then 2 more weeks of test only. I use arimidex .5mg EOD and last ptc was nolvadex and clomid combo. I can use any input on this cycle and ptc. I would like to hear any experiences anyone has had with a similar cycle thanks
My only similar experience is with test e and deca. So can't offer much help on the short esters. You can see what i am doing in my log.
Ive done a 12 week cycle with prop, npp, and Dbol. I was doing 100 of prop and npp ED and 50mg of dbol for the first 4 weeks. Probably one of my better cycles! just make sure to have prami on hand for NPP. For Aromatase inhibitor (AI) i was taking Adex .25 EOD and as for prami i slowly ramped starting at .125 and slowly making it to .5 ED for preventive measures for prolactin sides. Some people cant handle prami's nauseating effects. if you wanna be safe try and get some caber. I ended up keeping about a solid 12 lbs a few weeks after PCT. You should also consider running HCG throughout the cycle at about 500iu's every 4 days, it definitely helped me on this cycle for recovery.