46-week cycle (in course) - Dbol/Deca - Tren/Winstrol


New member

I'm currently finishing the first phase of a long cycle (blast-cruise-blast) and I'd like some help on how to proceed from now on

Age: 26
Height: 5'10''
Initial weight: 158lbs
Current weight: 169lbs
B/fat: 10%
Goal: 178lbs/10%

Part 1 - BLAST

01 - 10 Testosterone Enanthate 450mg
01 - 10 Nandrolone Decanoate 450mg
01 - 10 Cabergoline 0.5mg
05 - 10 Methandostrenolone 50mg ED (350mg)
09 - 10 Letrozole 0.625mg E4D --- currently here: 9th week

Part 2 - CRUISE

01 - 12 Testosterone Enanthate 180mg
01 - 12 Letrozole 0.625mg E4D
01 - 02 Cabergoline 0.5mg

Part 3 - BLAST

01 - 06 Letrozole 0.625mg E4D
01 - 06 Cabergoline 0.5mg
01 - 06 Trenbolone Acetate 50mg ED (350mg)
02 - 08 Testosterone Propionate 40mg ED (280mg)
03 - 08 Stanozolol 50mg ED (350mg)
07 - 08 Oxandrolone 60mg ED (420mg)
07 - 08 hCG 5000ui IM 3x/wk (1x500 + 5x900 = 5000ui)
07 - 08 Exemestane 12.5mg ED

Part 4 - PCT

01 - 08 GHRH 300mcg ED
01 - 08 GHRP-6 300mcg ED
01 - 04 Exemestane 12.5mg E2D
01 - 04 Cabergoline 0.5mg
01 - 04 Tamoxifene 40mg ED
05 - 10 Raloxifene 60mg ED

My questions are:

1 - How long should I stay on cruise and how much test should I run then?
2 - Should I run hCG while on cruise to increase testicular size or only at the end of the cycle, right before PCT?
3 - Should I do a higher amount of tren during my second blast (intention is low test/high tren)?
4 - How can I improve my PCT?

Any help is welcome.

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This gotta be the dumbest shit I've ever seen! I don't even know where to begin! Your using ai's like their pct drugs. Hcg is not a pct. Not sure how u can even mention pct while never coming off gear. I recommend that u go read the beginner cycle stickies. The only thing I really see u using correctly, (I'm using that term loosely) is test as a base. Wow...
Did you even read my post? I'm not using hCG as PCT.

My PCT was taken from here:
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