4th cycle: test prop, tren a, and ?? plus additional questions....


New member
I've been following this forum for a long time but this is my first post here. Not to sound cliche but the more I research the less educated I feel. Different forums share different schools of thought but rather than continuing to read every possible post in all the forums i decided to narrow it down to a few and stick to them. Over the past 4 years I have been trying to gain as much knowledge as possible about 'things' but I feel Ive only become more confused as what is the 'best' route to go with cycles. General statement, I realize. I digress...

Anyhow...I am putting together my 4th cycle that I plan on starting October 14th. My goals are to lean down as much as possible, in other words lose as
much body fat as possible while maintaining my muscle mass. Ideally, I'd like to get down to 7% bodyfat. I know...real unique goal here! :)

My stats:
37 yo
203 lbs
Bf 12%
Working out for the past 15 years with some breaks (running, weights, etc.)
3 cycles so far:

First: test prop only - 300/week - 10 weeks

Second: test prop and Winnie - 300/week / 50 ED (last 6 weeks on Winnie) - 10 weeks total

Third: test prop, tren e, and var
Prop- 300/wk - 12 weeks
Tren e- 450/wk - first 8 weeks
Var- 80/Ed- last 6 weeks
Hcg - 250iu/eod - 12 weeks
HGH - 2.5iu/ed
T3 - 25/Ed

All PCT have consisted of clomid and or nolva at various dosages. Also, for this last PCT I took and am still taking Unleashed, Bridge, Need2Slin, Gear, and Post Cycle.

I have continued HGH at 2.5 iu and T3 at 25 ED and am at month 8. I plan to continue for at least another year if not longer.

So, Im thinking of doing the following for my 4th cycle:
Test prop - 45/ED - Weeks 1-10
Tren a - 60/Ed - Weeks 1-8
HCG - 250iu EOD - Weeks 1-10 and in to PCT
continuing HGH and T3 - 2.5 iu/25 ED
And one of the following
Var @ 50 ED week 4-10
Masteron @ ?? Weeks ??
Primo @ ?? Weeks ??

-I still plan on having children at some point in the future.
-I will be doing p90x 2 with 4 additional AM 30 minute jogs starting October 1st.
-I eat clean and am fully aware that diet and calories moderation play a MAJOR role in cutting.
-I loved Tren, not a fan of the nightsweets of course though.

1. With all said, what would you tweak, suggest to change, etc for this cycle? I have just about everything under the sun in my 'little' stash of goods and whats missing, I can get pretty easily. Should I skip the Var/mast/Primo addition?

2. What do you think would be better for cutting? VAR or Masteron or Primo? If Masteron or Primo, what dosage and weeks do you recommend? Ive taken Winnie but am not a fan. I have also tried clen but don't like either.

3. I read that it is an absolute necessity to take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while on tren in may sources yet in others I read to just have it 'on hand'. What Aromatase inhibitor (AI) fits best with this cycle?

4. What do you think would be the best PCT here? Duration?

5. Is there a point in taking any/all of the following during cycle and/or after cycle? Need2burn, Gear, Unleashed, Post Cycle, N2 guard, and Need2slin?

6. What support supplements do you recommend while on this cycle as well as afterwards? With all previous cycles and in between I have taken Fish oils, flaxseed, liver support, B12, glucosamine, sam-e, saw palmetto, milk thistle, and AMP ripped vitapak program.

7. Is there any overkill in what I have listed that I'm taking?

8. Do you know of/recommend and good appetite suppressants? I eat very well and clean at about 2500-3k calories a day but come post 11 pm I am absolutely starving and often times 'slip' and eat an extra 500-1000 or so calories (clean for the most part, but detrimental for loosing body fat IMO). with this next cycle I plan on keeping calories under 2500/day.

9. I feel emotionally wonderful whole on cycle. I've been battling depression for 15 years but the 3 times I have been on cycle I've really felt fantastic with almost no depression. I have been taking Welbutrin/Lexapro for about 5 years but this does nothing compared to being on cycle. Anybody have any insight to share here? TO ask a stupid question, but how in earth coukd one carry on the great feelings of being on cycle into being off cycle? I always have an unpleasant energy and emotional crash post cycle, some of which is due to clomid/nolva I suspect, but it does pass. Just feel lazy as hell for 3-4 months.

10. What do you think of adding armidex or proviron and/or forma stanz to my cycle or post cycle therapy (pct)? (somewhat redundant to question 3)

11. Is there any support that pinning test prop and tren A ED vs EOD is better? Personally I rather like pinning so ED is no problem.

12. I have had bad acne since the end of my first cycle....never seems to go
away and its almost all on my back. I've used just about every over the
counter option out there with very little luck. Any suggestions on what to

Thank you for reading my post and offering any feedback you can...even if it be to bash my possible ignorance in regards to the AAS world!!! :)
your first few cycles have been on the lite side ,really lite to jump right into tren.you've had no sides on those bare minamin cycles.besides tren ,your looking for MORE.i'd go up to a sustanon or a test400 before and with your other concerns too.12weeks of sust. will put on 15pounds of muscle if your diet and training is on key.GL
i didnt see that 3rd cycle that you got there ,you already put the cart before the horse bro ,why ask now?

Hi - Thanks for the replay! you are right, I did put the cart before the horse.....live and learn though....I wasnt a complete jack*ss with my 3rd cycle, but somewhat of one. The more research I have done, the more I see that I knew too little going in to each cycle I did, including the extremely basic first cycle. Each time I thought I knew my sh*t, only to learn later I didnt know as much as I should. For my 4th cycle, I am looking for as much constructive critisim as possible before moving forward. I am trying to avoid 8 months from now thinking, 'I did I NOT know about XYZ beforehand'.
Tren...masteron together=bye bye hair

Def dont like the sound of that one!! The truth hurts sometimes.....any suggestions how to mitigate the losses? I use propecia and rogaine now...havent lost much if any hair from this combo over the past 5 or so years however I know that neither of these will do much if any good overcoming the issue from mast/tren.
Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 has shown some interesting results in studies examining its use as a hair-loss treatment. IGF-1 works by regulating cellular proliferation and migration during the development of hair follicles. Hepatotoxicity and myelotoxicity were evaluated in hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) after topical application of the liquid gel vehicle (placebo), 1% IGF-1 or 3% IGF-1. No significant difference in the levels of aspartate aminotransferase or alanine aminotransferase was found between the control and treated groups. ELISA did not shown any increase in the plasma level of IGF-1. A haematopoietic niche was found, but it was not associated with myelotoxicity. Efficacy was determined by dermatoscopy analysis of hair density and microscopy analysis of hair diameter, with hair found to be thicker and with more rapid growth in the 3% group than in either the 1% group or the control group. These results strongly suggest that liposomal IGF-1 in a liquid gel formulation is a safe and efficient treatment for hair loss.

Safety and efficacy analysis of liposomal ... [Clin Exp Dermatol. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI