6th Day on CKD and.....Is This Normal???


New member
The most overwhelming thing that has gotten my attention is, that I am NOT hungry at all. I'm not eating more, just no carbs(obviously), and I swear that even with small meals every 3 hours, I'm finding myself having to force my ass to eat, whereas before when I was simply watching calories, I would start watching the clock immediately after a meal counting down to the next one. I even quit the ECA too, so you'd assume that w/o the fatburner/appetite-suppresant, that I would have more of an appetite, and more cravings. Dunno. Is this normal? Thanks
insulin is the major culprit with hunger. because you are not producing insulin, plus with all that protein and fat, you wont feel hungry at all

not until you mentally crave sweets/junkfood/etc.

physiologically , you will not crave food though.
Kakdiesel said:
insulin is the major culprit with hunger. because you are not producing insulin, plus with all that protein and fat, you wont feel hungry at all

not until you mentally crave sweets/junkfood/etc.

physiologically , you will not crave food though.

yup yup, it's all mentally

How long are you going with this CKD diet?
shit, with me i am always hungry! i hate it,but the diet is going very well... but iam going to be going on my cycle in about two weeks so iam done with this diet soon.:)
With me, I was always hungry even after eating tons of protein/fat full foods (well, figuratively). All I can say is stick to it; it's hard but the results are well worth it. Discipline, discipline, discipline!
I find that keto diets are easy at first because all that fat you eat is very filling.Eventually to will get some serious cravings for sweets,that's when it gets tough.