!7 years old, need quick gains for football


New member
Hey, im 17 years old and just recovered from a severe shoulder injury. I lost so much size and strength from just sitting around. I am not looking to sit on the sidelines this year, whats some things that you could recomend. I refuse to go from captain to water bitch!!!!!!! i dont know much about roids or supplements, help!!
Stay away from the steroids until you are older. Check out the supplement section of this board. You should be able to find some good advise there. At your age protien, creatine, good nutrition and training will take you far.
You have about three months plus to rehab...so take control of it! You are TOO YOUNG for AAS. My advice to you, get on a program, take same vitamins and eat !
stay away from A.S. at your age.

you want an anabolic effect....eat, and train like a motherfucker, while the rest of your teamates prepare for the season chasing chicks at the local Dairy Queen!

you're most likely still growing...you don't need juice!
good luck, and god bless
Creatine is good but their are good better supplements out their that can make you bigger..

Right, at 17 you have plenty of testosterone floating around already. Just get on a good training program supplemented with food, protein, creatine, and vitamins.
What are some good supplements? Because every supplement is surrounded by hype and its hard to tell wether or not its BS or for real
Bro please check out other sups, stay away from the juice, you really should not have that hard of a time regaining your size and strength. If you have the skills you should be ok next season
creatine always helped me gain mass when I was natural. Protein is the most important supplement out there as it is the building block of your muscles. Stick with these and train smart, basic compound movements with no cheating, and at your age you'll blow up. Spend some time in the training forum and look at the various training approaches. The training forum at elite has stickies on all the majoy approaches
Murph3244 said:
What are some good supplements? Because every supplement is surrounded by hype and its hard to tell wether or not its BS or for real

I don't use alot of supplements. Over the years I have found that most aren't woth crap. I use a good multi-vitamin, protien, cratine (post cycle only), amino acids (I get a multi amino) and zinc/magnesium. You could use ZMA but you can get the zinc and magnesium cheaply at any store. Along with good nutrition and training that should be all you need to grow.
Hey buddy.
Take some creatine along with a few protein shakes per day.
Workout and stay consistent.
You'll grow.
I would look at the supplements and do alot of power movements for size. But baby the shoulder a little bit, don't push it. And a wise move would be to work on speed, there is no substitute for it. So if you lost 20lbs of muscle but can run the 40 in 4.4 they can use ya.
At 17 you don't even need steroids. Your testosterone is already off the charts.

I'd recommend: creatine, good whey protein and (if you have some money left over) ZMA.
needsize said:
creatine always helped me gain mass when I was natural. Protein is the most important supplement out there as it is the building block of your muscles. Stick with these and train smart, basic compound movements with no cheating, and at your age you'll blow up. Spend some time in the training forum and look at the various training approaches. The training forum at elite has stickies on all the majoy approaches

Murph3244 said:
ok, thanks for the advice everyone!! roids are out of the question!!!
I have to say your very mature for your age, most 17 year olds would argue saying "just tell me how to use them I'm going to anyway" I get this a lot on other boards I visit.
