A few first cycle questions


New member
Hey guys. This year I've lost 60 pounds and started to build some muscle mass. I have gotten with a old college room mate of mine and obtained a cycle of Test.

I am 26 years old, and currently 6 feet tall, and 240 pounds. with a 36 inch waist and around 53 inch chest.

My questions are:

1. Is his recommendation of 250 mg a week for 10 weeks spot on? For my size and being a newbie. (I've read ALOT of different articles, all saying different things)

2. With this dose at 10 weeks, do I need a PCT?
1. 250mgs/week is just over some peoples testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosage, it would run it 500mgs /week for 12 weeks you will get alot more bang for your buck.
2. Once you inject test your body will stop natural production so yes you will need pct

no mention of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) you should look to get aromasin or arimidex to run or at a minimum have on hand to control estrogen levels