A question from the heart for The Anabolic Doc...


New member
Hi Dr. O'Connor - I am an MD as well, training in pediatrics. I saw your website and have read some of your responses. Thank you so much for being a doc to weightlifters! I have thought too that there is a need for such care among this population. We share many of the same attitudes and interests, and it's great to see someone so knowledgeable to help out in this arena.

I have a specific question for you, but I will try and make it more general. Realize that I would prefer to come see you in person - but my resident's salary barely gets me by as is. I will try and save up so I can see you before you get so popular that your retainer goes up!

Let's suppose that I have a patient, 32yo man, who has a common congenital heart defect, such as a BAV. O/w very healthy but takes tiny dose Ace-I to control blood pressure that runs high 130s/80s The patient has slightly enlarged left ventricle and aortic root and mild aortic regurg. The patient has tailored his workout routine to reduce afterload on his heart.

Being the lifter that he is, he sets goals and wants to accomplish them. What would you suggest, just with the above info, in terms of prohormones and AAS use? In other words, do we know what effects, if any, test usage would have on the heart? What about other compounds like prohormones or even creatine?

I don't know that there is any evidence based medicine for a condition like a BAV, but based on general medical knowledge and common sense, it would be nice to have a recommendation regarding steroid use and the heart.

Please feel free to respond to me directly also. Would love to set up an appointment and talk with you one-on-one sometime. I think it would be a great discussion, and I would learn a ton. Thanks so much!
