A question on protein???


New member
I dunno if Im being stupid (more than likley) but here goes:

Is there any real reason that protein that you buy in tubs must be made and consumed within 20 or so minutes?

If there IS a reason howcome the same rules dont apply for bottled protein??
ive never heard of a 20 minute rule, but i have always been under the impression that generally protein i guess "degrades" over time when mixed, which is why there are quality concerns with premixed proteins.

ive never seen this issue talked about much or anything to really substantiate the claims, so who knows.
Suareezay said:
ive never heard of a 20 minute rule
Just summit I noticed on the back of the tubs I buy 'Once mixed product should be consumed within 20mins' which got me thinking, should i start taking my own shake for post workout to the gym instead of buying there pre made stuff or will it not matter?
Drako said:
Just summit I noticed on the back of the tubs I buy 'Once mixed product should be consumed within 20mins' which got me thinking, should i start taking my own shake for post workout to the gym instead of buying there pre made stuff or will it not matter?

FWIW Whenever I use powder I just put it in a shaker bottle and add water when im about to drink it. But if youre mixing it before the gym and drinking it after, i doubt much harm could be done in 1-2 hours.
Drako said:
Just summit I noticed on the back of the tubs I buy 'Once mixed product should be consumed within 20mins' which got me thinking, should i start taking my own shake for post workout to the gym instead of buying there pre made stuff or will it not matter?

buying the gyms protein drinks is going to cost you a ton as well... definitely bring your own to the gym
If I have a shake b4 bed I usually rinse it out and fill it with water till the morning. When I get up the smell from my shaker is rancid and makes me wanna puke and thats just the residue left over. It must obviously go off quick. I suppose there just covering there backs. No lawsuits etc. Ive had them a couple of hour after making them. Just use your nose. If it smells funny ditch it.
ripper101 said:
Just use your nose. If it smells funny ditch it.
I do have common sense when it comes to food being off. My concern is to weather the Canned protein will still be as effective as the Tubbed brand.

Your answer doesnt really cover the original question does it..?
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