A reason for easy weight gain?


New member
can anyone tell me a reason why i can gain weight (fat) so very easy.
for example i am cutting at the moment i cut 8 pounds in 4 week.
i had a bad meal of a chinese and some cake for my brothers birthday and i went 8 pounds up?
this happens quite often.
am i just really senstive to bad foods?
can anyone shed some light on this.
thank you.
maybe you are allergic and some type of foods causes you to bloat up at the same time as you are overeating?
it is very wierd i must admit.
i do seem to gain weight very easy.
how can i tell if my metabolism is fast or slow ? i do take maximuscle thermabol, i eat 6 times a day protein in every meal, i do either weight lifting or cardio everyday except sunday so my metabolism should be fine.
fibre i have this tub of soluable fibre you just pour a heap into a drink and drink it should i use that more?
i dont know what hypo theroid is sorry and i dont think im alergic.
i am going to monitor my weight alot more now im going to typeit down on the computer and it may result in better results for myself.
thanks for the input guys
start eating right get in shape and get a solid routine down the more muscle mass u have the less ure gonna b putting on in fat. i used to be chubby in school and gained weight super ez..after i got a gud diet and a solid build from alot of working out i didn't have that prob. nemore it actually worked to my advantage cuz i cud put on alot of muscle faster than most ppl with high metabolisms.takes time and alotta work in the gym. Set goals 4 ur self and stick 2 a gud diet it will cum