AAS & Political Correctness: Don't let any one tell you what is right or wrong...


Jack of all Trades
I thought some of you might find this interesting. As I have great interest in politics and law, I found this while doing some research.

It's lengthy...Enjoy!


The main objective of all the Professional Bodybuilding Organizations is to make a profit. How is this done you ask? Easy. The unobtainable goal. The unobtainable goal is a goal that will never be reached and in this case it's massive freaky size. Oh you can make great gains in muscle mass but you will never be Dorian Yates. This is how it works. First you must know that the profit motivated Professional Bodybuilding Organizations run all the major contests (AKA Mr. Universe), own all major bodybuilding publications, has a hand in the monstrous market of supplements, and all the top bodybuilders are contracted (anotherwards they are paid). The bodybuilders are juiced, they use more steroids and more pharmaceuticals than most small hospitals. So, the amateur bodybuilder watches the contests, buys all the magazines, follows all the workouts, spends a small fortune on supplements, and still makes only modest gains. The unassuming bodybuilder thinks something's wrong but believe me there's not. You CAN get big just not freaky like Dorian Yates or Ronnie Coleman. That way Professional Bodybuilding has everyone chasing the unobtainable goal as the Franchise sits on a big pile of cold hard cash.

First time bodybuilding’s world met anabolic steroids in the 1960s (called by some the ‘Dianabol decade’), make anyone, not just those who gifted with good genetic only, could become muscular and cut if they took enough steroids. Those who lacked the natural inclination to muscularity and the personal resolve to use steroids to increase their muscularity fell by the wayside. Those who used steroids were rewarded with major bodybuilding titles and the fame and fortune that went with them. That’s the true fact for today’s bodybuilding world. Those who choose not to use steroids won’t be able to win the overall major bodybuilding titles, and only able to find themselves at winning ‘Most Muscular’ or ‘Best Bodypart’ or ‘Natural Competition’ awards. Let’s face the fact that today, bodybuilding went in a new direction to freakiness, especially when true genetic freak such as Arnold Schwarzenegger appeared on the scene. Today, physique was more regarded by the media than strength. Physique (bodybuilders) got more media coverage than strength (weightlifters).

Today, win at any cost became the battle cry of bodybuilders the world over. “It matters not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game,” became a quaint out-of-time phrase. Being a good loser was no longer fashionable, and playing fairly by the “gentleman’s code of conduct” was passe. Show me a good loser and I’ll show you a loser !!

Today, unlike 1960s, a myriad of new steroids had become readily available – growth hormone, clenbuterol, thyroid, to name a few – that enabled virtually anyone to become ripped. Why do people automatically assume that taking steroids puts someone at risk? Why do they think steroids were invented in the first place? It was to help sick people, especially those suffering from starvation and anemia, wasting diseases such as Crohn's and Colitis, and burn and accident victims. Steroids are great healers of injuries and they help people to recover from surgery and the trauma of accidents. AIDS victims are living greatly enhanced lifestyles, and are being made healthier. As usual, the bodybuilders are far ahead of their time. Bodybuilders have been - and always will be - pioneers in the use of supplements and drugs.


In the October 1998 issue of MuscleMedia, page 29, Bill Philips stated that, “In the old days nutrition was often overlooked because of the rampant use of perfomance-enhancing drugs. Today things are different, I (Bill Phillips) don’t know of a single pro football player who uses anabolic steroids.” Is this true? Personally, I think Phillips has been smelling too much ink on the money he gets from EAS. That would be a lot of ink, for sure. To give Bill the benefit of the doubt, though, let’s assume he doesn’t know too many pro football players, even if he does have the whole Denver Broncos taking EAS supplements. I’m sure Bill speaks with a lot of guys on the Broncos who say one thing and do another.

Let’s just look at facts. Back in the ‘50s and early ‘60s linemen averaged under 250 pounds. Today they average over 300 pounds and many are over 350 pounds. The linebackers of today are faster than the running backs and wide receivers of old. You can’t just attribute this to better nutrition. Estimates from people in the know say that more NFL players than not are on steroids – and still more are on painkillers, anti-inflammatories, upper, and other drugs. It’s a fact of life.

I know many who would like to believe that football players are just taking supplements. I personally know NFL players who tell me they use steroids. In fact, according to them, roids are often passed around like candy by the trainers back in the ‘80s. This is common knowledge. I have personally injected pro football players who admitted they couldn’t even play through their injuries without steroids. It would be physically impossible. These guys get so busted up on a week-to-week basis that it would be impossible to recover without the healing and anticatabolic properties of roids. A few quarterbacks and kickers may not take roids, but some running backs, linemen and linebackers feel they need them as much as they need air. That’s not to say they aren’t also into state-of-the-art supplements such as creatine, glutamine, whey protein and BCAAs. The pro athletes of today eat better food, train more seriously, and do anything and everyhing (I repeat, anything and everything) to improve athletic perfomance. If you have a better chance of renewing your 20 million dollar contract by taking steroids, you probably will. And yes, for many that means taking steroids.


Honestly? Slim to none. Zero, really, on a scale of 1 to 10. There are a few pro bodybuilders who still claim to be non steroid users but I know of none who claim to be 100 percent drug free. You can say you don't use steroids and still use growth hormone, IGF-1, Clenbuterol, Nolvadex, HCG, Clomid, Thyroid, Diuretics, and a myriad of other perfomance-enhancing drugs (aside from the practice of injecting Synthol into weak bodyparts). To be honest with you, I do not believe any pro who says he is either steroid free or drug free. Guys like that piss me off because they insult our intelligence. It's as if they are saying, "Ah, these people are so dumb they'll believe anything I tell them." Many of these frauds have developed an almost psychotic ability to lie convincingly.

I'm not trying to pour water on your fire, buddy. You can still build an amazing physique without steroids - especially with the kind of supplements available to bodybuilders these days. But no one can build the kind of mass, size, freaky cuts and muscularity it take to win pro shows these days without steroid enhancement. Even the most genetically gifted natural bodybuilder cannot get that superstriated look and retain enough muscle mass without the help of drugs - at least as long as he wants to be competitive with the guys who do use them.

Keep in mind that there is building a great looking physique, and then showing it in competition. Those are two very different endeavors. The real advantage the steroid user has over the natural bodybuilder in competitive situations is that the steroid user can maintain higher level of muscle mass as he diets down. He doesn't lose as much as muscle as he rids his bodyfat. He can burn more fat and get rid of more water and get that superthin skin look. No matter how great a natural bodybuilder's physique is in the off-season, he will always lose too much mass and size as he diets down for contest. If he tries to maintain his bodyweight, he will hold too much fat and water and come in too smooth. If he loses all the fat and water he needs to be competitive, he will be too small. It's a lose/lose proposition for the natural competitive bodybuilder. Many bodybuilders who claim to be steroid free except for contests are often lying too. Many are on steroids year round, either large doses when peaking for a contest or maintenance doses in the off-season. For some of them, being off means taking 20mg a day. Being on means taking 200 to 500mg a day.

Again I remind you that it is possible to build an incredible physique without steroids. Look at what Steve Reeves, John Grimek, Clancy Ross, George Eiferman, Jack Delinger, Johnh Farbotnik, Reg Park, and Bill Pearl did back in the 1940s and early 1950s with unsophisticated equipment, crude supplements, and little knowledge about contest dieting and preparation. Using today's advanced training knowledge and state-of-the-art supplements and equipment, a bodybuider with natural shape, size, and symmetry can accomplish incredible things. But he cannot win Mr.Olympia.


Testosterone is a steroid hormone that has an anabolic effect on skeletal muscle tissue. Anyone who has seen an athlete who supplements with anabolic steroids can see what modified testosterone can do.

Anabolic effects are due to the fact that testosterone increases protein synthesis and decreases protein catabolism within the muscle fiber. Testosterone binds with receptors in the cytosol of the cell, causing an increase in the transcription of the genes located on nuclear DNA that code for the synthesis of muscle proteins. The messenger RNA that results from this process returns to the cell cytosol where actual protein synthesis occurs.

Without doubt a clear difference exists in the muscle shape and size of an athlete who uses anabolic steroids. This is not to say I am less impressed by the physique of the ‘all natural’ champions as compared to the contest winners who do not drug test, but rather, this difference got me to wondering if there was any research to explain what happens to a muscle cell when a person takes an anabolic steroid. We all know steroids increase strength and muscle size, but I am more interested in the how and why. I was the kid who would take apart his bicycle to see how the gears worked. I am sure you can recall someone from your grade school years who was always tinkering with something. Today the purpose of my tinkering is to ensure you don’t waste your time in the gym or outside it.

In many sports, including bodybuilding, the illicit use of anabolic steroids is widespread. The typical reason for steroid use is a desire to improve perfomance, although many users seek to improve their appearance. Till recently, when Dr. Bhasin of UCLA demonstrated that testosterone (the mother of all steroids) wwhen given to a sedentary man improved muscle strength and size. This effect was only magnified when weight training was thrown into the mix.

We know there are 2 basic mechanisms responsible for the enlargement of muscle. These mechanisms are the hypertrophy (actual enlargement of cells in individual muscle fibers) and muscle fiber hyperplasia (the splitting of the cells to produce many cells). Either of these mechanisms will influence protein synthesis. Elevated protein synthesis may translate into new muscle growth. Anabolic steroids have been shown to increase the rate of protein synthesis and decrease protein breakdown. Anabolic steroids promote growth while protecting the body against breakdown.

Researchers studied 19 powerlifters. The steroids they admitted using included testosterone, nandrolone, stanozolol, primobolan, oxymetholone, masteron, proviron and durabolin. Typically the testosterone was used in combination with one or more of the other steroids and for an average of 9 years. The athletes would either stack or cycle their steroid use. This study compared steroids users to nonsteroid users.

All of the subjects underwent muscle biopsy in the trapezius muscle. The goal was to determine and compare various muscle fiber types (slow twitch, fast twitch, fast twitch oxidative and fast twitch glycolytic) known as type I, type II, type IIa, type IIb and type IIc. The researchers also attempted to determine the type and number of various cells in the muscle.

This study, the first of its kind, gave some insight into how anabolic steroids affect muscles. We all know that if you train and use steroids you will grow stronger and bigger than if you did not use them, but why? The answer, my friends, is that muscle fibers grow, new fibers are formed, and satellite cells migrate into the area. Satellite cell stimulation often provides more nuclei to muscle fibers. These added nuclei give the opportunity for extra nourishment and growth to the fibers. Bigger fibers equal bigger muscles. Both type I and type II fibers were found to be 20 percent bigger in the steroid users than in their steroid-free counterparts. The increased number of new cells in a muscle also translates into more androgen-binding sites, thus making the muscle more susceptible to the effects of the anabolic steroids.

In short, this study gives us insight into how steroids work. One of the keys to muscle growth is stimulation of protein synthesis. Anabolic steroids promote protein synthesis, as do creatine, protein supplements, the proper timing of meals after exercise, and many other natural compounds.


Or “PC” for short. PC started out as a concept with the best of intentions, but like so many ideas that involve human nature, it got twisted into something negative. PC is really the basic principle of being sensitive and aware of ideas and language that are hurtful or degrading to other people or groups of people. We are told we should be more PC regarding other people’s feelings, and that’s not a bad idea. No doubt about it, the ‘90s have been the PC decade for sure. That’s all well and fine, but the PC concept has also been used to suppress the truth, or is used to hide the truth, on certain topics people don’t want to talk about. When you’re no longer see this article anymore on next day from now on this net site, then this/my theory is true. It’s gotten to the point where you can’t tell the truth because it’s not PC! That’s ridiculous to say the least, and I for one am not going to stop telling the truth because it’s not politically correct to do so. Being PC now seems to be a way to avoiding controversial topics or talking about topics that don’t jibe with the current group opinion. I am forced to take it head on.

I think one of the most obvious examples of how the PC bug has prevented us from having an open discourse on controversial topics is found when anyone tries to talk about steroids like me. A lot of interesting studies on steroids for a variety of uses are being done as we speak, yet very few resources cover that information any more for fear they will be viewed as pro steroid. The mainstream media and the general public want to continue living in their PC vacuum and uphold their fantasy that all steroids at any dose will kill you dead or turn Mr. Nice Guy into an ax-wielding hypogonadal murderer. Ridiculous!

As recently as 1996 an extensive meta-analysis of the research then available on the side effects of anabolic steroids, called “Androgen Use By Athletes: A Reevaluation of the Health Risks”, and published in the Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology (21[6]: 421-440. 1996), put much of this fear to rest. The authors did an exhaustive search and evaluation of the studies to date that really looked at the use of anabolic steroids by athetes, and their side effects. The researchers’ conclusion: “Side effects resulting in serious harm or death to athletes from androgen self-administration are EXCEEDINGLY RARE. Furthermore, it is DIFFICULT to demonstrate that androgen use per se caused these maladies.” Not exactly what the media want us to believe, is it ?

I use steroids, and I recommend steroids’ use as well, and the truth is the truth. Facts can never be altered by emotions, but emotions can be altered by facts. The authors of this extensive and unbiased look at the side effects of steroid use by athletes conclude “… the incidence of serious health problem associatd with the use of androgen by athletes has been exaggerated.” Of course we must make a distincion between use and abuse. I never abuse them when I use it by myself. I use steroids to take advantage as high as possible of its positive effects, not to totally replacing my own natural hormone, so I know when I hit myself on gym, I train with my maximal potential genetics. Too much of anything is not good for you but the authors of this review point out “ … much higher doses might lead to more serious health problems, but at this point THERE IS NO EVIDENCE (emphasis mine) to support such a contention.” So why didn’t the media ever mention this extensive and unbiased review of the side effects of steroids? Because it went against the incorrect view of steroids they have been feeding the public for so long and it would have been very un-PC of them to do so. That position disgusts me to my very core.

The next time you find yourself in a fight with some clueless person who calls you “pro steroid” for not believing the line of bullshit being fed to you by the media, give him this review to read. It is an essential article for everyone (i.e. medical professionals, researchers, coaches, athletes, etc.) concerned with knowing the facts about the side effects of androgens used by athletes. Are steroid harmless? Of course not. But their danger has been enormously overstated.

:confused: :40oz: :o
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not much interest in politics here IMO... expected more responses since i thought this article was interesting.:)