about how many shakes i take a day


New member
i used to drink about 3 shakes a day (120 grams of protein), but eventually my weight just plateaued.

I am an ecto and need those carbs and lots of calories.

I am currently taking only 2 shakes a day (weight gainer shakes) to total 900 calories and 75grams of protein. And just relying more on food. (stuffing my face basically) I currently weigh 175(heaviest i have ever been)

I eat lots of tuna and beef, but currently i am at college so i cant really calorie count but i do my best.

If i just keep stuffing my face, is 2 shakes a day sufficient? Or do you guys recomend to take in another shake a day?

CAuse i know that food is the best to bulk and not to rely on shakes.

I take in morning shake and post workout shake.
Some people dont take any shakes, it all depends on if your getting the right amount of protien (something like 1.5 to 2.0 per lb)

If i had the money to do it i would drink 3 a day. Some are expensive though so i stick with 1 to 2.

Food is best to get your protien from, but alot of people can't get everything they need so the shakes are there.